6th-9th transformation

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Hello there. I know i haven't posted in a few days but i am here now. In the last chapter we talked about the first transformation that requires you to not let any leak out which was basically your base state without letting any of your energy leak out. The reason why i mentioned prior that i would mention the remaining forms in one chapter is because forms six-nine are the same thing as forms as forms one through four but use them without any energy leaking out keeping it fully contained in your body. You may be wondering if this is dangerous for the eighth form as it draws out your inner power deriving from some of your life force and merging it with your second form and the answer to that is no altho it enhances all of the issues the third form already has. The boosts in your base stats that you will get from these forms are much greater then your regular transformations but also come at greater costs so it is not something that you can just rush in and do if you manage to master the fifth form. Powering down will also feel a lot more intense then it normally would to the point where you really start to feel different but it is nothing you shouldn't be able to handle. Using forms five through nine do use up a lot of energy to tap into and with six through nine they have different properties from form five and each form you use while not allowing your energy to leak out will also have unique properties to it on its own. This should be all for now and these are all the energy based transformations that i currently know of. Next chapter i will be getting into two techniques deriving from your instincts that will enhance you even more then these transformations will but are even harder to obtain and master in fact you may not even be able to tap into them at all as it is not something just anyone can do or something easy to access. If you have any questions or comments list them and i will address them.

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