Stand Up

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I want out.

To get away from this.

Lack of respect.

Lack of care.

Lack of support.

You've fed me,

Made sure I had what I needed.

I was your little girl.

Your first child.

You probably thought I'd be perfect.

You sure as hell act like I am.

I'm your little worker bee.

Aren't I?

You expect straight A's,

Then fight with me

When I don't have them.

Have me work in your gardens

While you watch sports.

Then scold me for taking too long.

I try to talk to you.

You don't listen.

You cut me off.

Then say I never tried...

Never tried to talk to you.

"A letter isn't talking"

I tried before the letter.

Before I came out to you.

You've gotten worse

Since I did that,

Gave you the letter.

In it, I said I was genderfluid.

You try to make me more feminine,

Instead of accepting me.

You say you need time.

Time for what, may I ask?

Time to come up with more restraints?

More comments?

"Don't wear a tie. Girls don't wear ties."

"You can't wear that hat anymore.

Especially with that pin in it."

"You're not a guy.

You never will be.

God doesn't make that kind of mistake."

The designated roles

For males and females

Don't exist anymore.

What's wrong with the pin?

Just the fact that it's a rainbow?

Why should religion matter here?

Who's calling it a mistake?

You can keep trying...

Trying to limit me,

Change who I am.

I'll just be stupid-brave.

Stand up for me.

Cut my hair short,

Despite what you want.

Be a man when it fits,

Despite you trying to make me feminine.

And if this debate worsens

Good luck finding me.

I'll be gone.

Surrounded by people who know me;

Understand and accept me.

They let me be who I am

With no forcing me

To be someone I'm not.


Again. I hate poetry. Why I just wrote two poems within two hours I have no idea. I have realized, however, that all three of the ones I've written are either rants or explanations of who I am. Either way...

I's dun wanna writes poems >n<

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