Beloved Baby Sister

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This is an Originals fan fiction so if you recognize it i don't own it. Also I've only seen season one and a couple episodes of season two and i haven't been able to get a hold of the books yet. I hope you enjoy this story :)


         A gaggle of young children stood clustered together outside of a worn down home in a distant land. From inside the ramshackle house came their mother's pained screams as she attempted to give birth to her eighth child. The two eldest boys stood nearby talking amongst themselves, completely unconcerned by the goings on inside the dwelling. The three youngest,however, huddled close to each other in anxiety. In that time and place having babies was much more difficult and many babes died young, if they even lived to draw their first breath.

            They were unaware at that time that their mother was a very powerful witch. She would also become evil, but more about her later. After what seemed to be an eternity, the screaming finally stopped, only to be replaced by the cry of a newborn baby. The younger kids all let out sighs of relief and stared at the entrance of their house in anticipation, eagerly awaiting the signal that meant they could go in and meet their littlest sibling. Everyone had been surprised by this pregnancy, as there was quite an age difference between Rebecca and this newest baby. The names of the three younger children in the yard were Elijah, Niklaus, and Rebecca.

                After a short time there was a rustling sound and the front door opened. The town midwife nodded shortly and told the children that they could enter. They did so, and then they all crowded into their parents room.Their mother lay resting quietly upon her bed, holding an incredibly gorgeous and tiny baby in her arms. The babe was snuggly wrapped in a soft gray homespun blanket, and was making contented cooing sounds.Her fragile little head turned curiously in their direction as they quietly entered the room.

               Elijah led a reluctant Rebecca closer to the bed, so she could see the little one. While Niklaus stood back a ways, hesitant to approach the bed. The young boy's face was bruised and slightly swollen on one side, from the previous days "discipline", that his father had dealt him.

               The tired woman on the bed opened her eyes and smiled gently at her kids. Come children, meet your new little sister. Her name is Alorna, Alorna Rosalia Mikaelson. The moment Klaus first held the baby in his arms, he felt his heart soften towards her. He could not explain it but he felt an instantaneous and deep bond with his youngest sibling. That bond grew deeper and deeper as time went by. They experienced many hardships together and grew closer because of them. Their father, Michael Mikaelson, was a harsh and abusive man. He was cruel and cold to everyone, but he seemed to have a deeper dislike of Klaus and Alorna then of the others.

                Alorna grew into a lovely and sweet, painfully shy girl, who often sought solace with her big brother Klaus. She loved her whole family but was closest to Elijah, Klaus,and Rebecca. Mostly Klaus though, to the surprise of many. Their bond was inexplicably strong and some found it slightly unnatural. Her other two brothers, however were very much like their father in personality, so she did her best to avoid them. Elijah tried diligently to be the peacemaker of the family. Rebecca was beautiful and cheerful, attracting a long line of suitors.To most people Klaus appeared to be stoic and unapproachable and surly, but never to Lorna. He was the only one who really understood her and that she felt she could tell anything to. He was fiercly protective of her and always took care of her.

                  Life went by normally for the Michaelson clan for fourteen years.However, on the day of Alorna's 14th birthday, everything changed.

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