10 years later

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Athena's POV

We treid everything to find the kid, but nothing turned up. All we knew about her is that her first name was Evelyn and her dad was not so great. The house wasn't registered to anyone so we couldn't find out who lived there. There wasn't supposed to be anyone living there, the place had been abandoned because it was unsafe. The case had become a cold case, and after ten years I was about to give up on it too. That's until the call that we got today.

3rd person POV

911 what's your emergency?

You need to help me.

Ok can you tell me what's going on please?

I-i'm running. Running. I don't know where i am though. B-but I need help.

Ok I need you to calm down for a minute ok? What's your name?

Evelyn. I can't calm down i-if he catches me.       I-I can't get caught ok?

Who are you running from Evelyn? What will happen if he catches you?

M-my dad. He will hurt me. I-I wasn't supposed to run away. I was supposed to stay in the bunker til he got back.

Ok I need you to tell me where you are. If you don't know just tell me what you see around you.

Ok um. I-I see a church, and- and um, the church has a garden. I-I see. I see water. Like-like the ocean or something.

Ok Evelyn, do you see more houses or other buildings?

Um, alot of houses.

Ok, and do you see a lot of trees or not alot of trees?

Trees. Definitely alot of trees.

Ok, units are on their way now. I need you to stay on the phone with me ok Evelyn?


Athena's POV

We got a call today that sounded pretty familiar. A kid named Evelyn saying that her dad is going to hurt her. She's running away this time. I think this just might be the same Evelyn from 10 years ago. Dispatch said she sounded to be in her late teens possibly early twenties too. I think there's a good chance that this cold case is starting to get warm again.

We search through the town and eventually I see something. It looks like a man chasing somebody who might be on the phone. Dispatch said they were getting chased. I radio the other units that are with me and hop into my cruiser. Once I get close enough I get out of the cruiser and pursue him on foot. "LAPD stop running and put your hands up!" The man hesitates but then stops, seeing that I have a gun in my hand. I walk up to the guy and put handcuffs on him. "You are being arrested on the charges of child abuse. Anything you say or do can, and will be used against you in the court of law." I shove him into the back of my cruiser. I look around but I can't see the kid. Damn it. I drive around the town in my cruiser for a bit but I still can't find her so I head back to the station.

Once at the station we find out the guy's name is Phillip whitley. We check his background and sure enough, he has a daughter named Evelyn. He is definitely our guy. All that's left now is to find his daughter.

Evelyn's POV

The 911 operater said to stay on the phone so I did. But then I saw my dad turn the corner and he wasn't far behind me. I just kept running as the lady talks to me through the phone.

After what seems like forever I see a police car not far behind us. Finally, I might actually make it. Just as I hoped, my dad got caught and was arrested. But that didn't stop me from running. I kept going until eventually I ran out of breath and I stoped in a nice looking clothes store.

"You're father was just arrested, you're safe now Evelyn. You need to tell me where you are so the police officers can find you and make sure you stay safe." The lady on the phone said. "Ok i'm-" of course, the phone died. I hear the sirens start to fade and I rush outside. "Wait! Wait!" But they're already too far away. They can't here me.

I decide that I should get out of that town and try to get a job and a place to stay. I'm not 18 yet so there are not too many job opportunities for me and I can't legally buy my own place so I'll have to stay with someone for a while. I'll worry about a place to stay later, I can't do anything without money first.

Over the course of a few years I eventually find my self in the academy to be a firefighter and I changed my name to Evan Buckley. I've already transitioned by now. There were three other Evans in the academy so they started to call me Buck. I kind of like it.

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