Hurry! || Multi

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Being the only female Formula 1 driver after so many years certainly came with its pressures to say the least. Of course, I'd worked for this day in and day out since before I could walk and it was no lie that being the first female driver to take on a season full time in a big team would come with its challenges but being where I am now although a blessing was harder than I imagined. 

Being in the car, racing was as wonderful and incredible as I always imagined but once I was out of the car it consisted of interviews where I was constantly being sexualized or asked questions that none of my fellow drivers got asked, how does wearing a racing suit feel with my body? How do I deal with racing when I'm on my period? How do I keep my hair looking so good after a race? 

I mean I barely got asked any questions about my actual racing, my car, my team. And outside of the interview, I was constantly being pressured with the idea that I wanted and needed to be a role model for all the young girls out there with the same dreams as mine, who got told that just because they were girls they wouldn't be able to come into male-dominated sports. So despite me wanting to break down more often than not I kept it all to myself, hold my head up high, and show no weakness that the media can feed off of, that the media can claim as a woman being too emotional to handle the pressures. 

And then there was the fact that everyone else on the grid was also all males, they were all kind to me and respectful and some had even gone out of their way to defend me and remind everyone how I deserved this seat as much as they all did but they had all formed some sort of bond and I couldn't help but feel like an outsider when hanging out with them. 

My teammate Lando was very sweet, he was always trying to make me laugh and inviting me to all the hangouts with the rest of the boys but I excepted 30% of the invites because I always felt like I intruded on their boy's night or whatnot. So in reality in the sport I felt alone, I felt like I was on this ongoing battle to prove myself and to prove my place, and asking for help, showing any sign of not being able to handle it was forbidden for me. 


"Hey, y/n." You jumped at the sudden call of your name. 

"Oh, Lando hi sorry you scared me." You clutched your chest and he giggled, you laughed with him. 

"Sorry didn't mean to. Hey so listen so me and some of the boys are gonna have dinner tonight at the pizzeria Carlos, Charles, and Seb always go to, you should come." Lando smiled. "I can drive us there and back," Lando added trying to convince you. 

"Uhm, I'm not sure I have a lot of data to look through and I need to train-" You started your usual excuses. 

"You'll have time for that tomorrow, c, mon you deserve a little break." Lando tried to persuade you. 

"I don't know...I'll think about it." You weren't convinced but lied to stop Lando from further trying to persuade you. 

"Okay...we'd really love it if you could come," Lando added. 

You nodded giving him a kind smile before he walked away.

You did do what you told Lando, you stayed back studying data and talking to your engineers and mechanics, and by the time you were leaving the track you saw it was the time Lando told you the boys would be headed off to dinner. 

You checked your phone noticing a couple of missed calls and a few unread texts. 

*3 missed calls from Lando Norris* 

*1 missed call from Carlos Sainz* 

*1 missed call from Charles* 

Lando: Hey you coming? 

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