Chapter 2

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"Fire is lovely in a fireplace not in a disaster dear.",the heavy voice rang through the cellphone. The whole mansion was silent and this thick and demanding voice seemed to be the only source of sound." I need it. Do it as soon as possible" even before a reply could be given the phone call ended and again silence fell upon. A minute went by and then passed the 2nd minute when a soft sound was heard upstairs. This soft sound was terrifying the person downstairs. This was enough to make the heart pound harder against the ribs as if the plan got caught. In order to prevent suspicion the person retraced the path and went back perfectly blending with the dark black corners of the big hall.

Slowly the sound approached near and nearner it came. The sound of footsteps was clearer than before a man with dishevelled hair emerged from the dark stairs like a demon he came out of the darkness and made his way among the silence to the main door. The complete black fabric covering his body helped him to camouflage with the daek and heavy surrounding. His hand held the gun tight as if his life depended on it and taking a left turn he walked further and stood before the door between the mansion and the world  laid. At first his hands reached out for the handle but he stopped in mid air.

He stood still with his hands raised near the handle he seemed to be questioning if crossing the door would be right. A second passed and then another he still stood rigid. Even though he desperately needed to go out atleast for a minute he just couldn't hold himself in those dark black four walls of his room.  If he waited any longer the demons inside his minds would eat him up and ruin him from inside. He needed the serene darkness of the night and not the sickening darkness of the mansion. He needed the sparkle of the stars not the light of him lamp. He needed the fresh breeze not the suffocating air inside. Unable to hold himself any longer  his fingers in a matter of seconds turned the handles and the door opened after his fingerprints were recognized. The door opened wide and the guards outside the door with machine guns stood before him allowing him to go out.

The air outside swiftly touched his hairs and ran past those messy locks hanging on his fore head. The cool breeze entered into his lungs. He longed for this, maybe if he hadn't joined the mafia then he would have been like any other boy from Italy. But it's astonishing how his single yes changed directions of his life.

He walked further up to the east of the mansion garden where there were no guards and he could sit there quietly and put down him mafia demeanor for a moment. Even though he knew his life might end for steeping outside the house but he was unbothered. As he reached his usual spot where it was just him and no guards. It reminded him of the first time when he found this place. He ws surprised when he saw the no guards on the east side of the mafia mansion. Even though he initially wanted to inform about the lack of security but later decided against it. Maybe becaise he needed his own small space in this huge mansion.

A few minutes before

As the figure emerged from the stairs I saw him walking upto the door as I silently stood in the dark corners of the hall. As soon as the man left through the door. My hands searched through the pocket soon my hands pulled out my cell phone and I quickly texted

He went outside all alone.
He will probably be in the east   side. Shoot him if you can.

( Seen)
    2:35 am

Back to present

Almost five minutes had passes I wanted to return back inside but my heart ached at the thought of returning back. Another minute passed and I noticed a movement farway from where I stood. I gave  just a quick side glance in each direction and saw 3 snippers on the roof top on 3 different buildings. I saw each one aiming their gun at me from the far roof top. One among the three was a girl she was on the buliding right in my feont direction the other teo on my either side.

'Maybe it's time to get back inside. If the others wake up now it would be difficult to answer their questions. As soon as I stood up and turned around towards the main gate.

3 bullets rushed towards me from  the building top. The girl snipper was in a hurry. The three bullets came right through and through penetrating deep.....

The silence in the mafia house was disturbed. Each one of them rushed down to see what happened. Maybe it was too late..

A/n's note
Sorry for updates after an enternity. I got stuck with school and exams.

A quick chapter update because sweet -maggiexbts- reminded me to otherwise this chap would have been more delayed. 🤦‍♀️


1. Who do you think is the person making the call?

2. To whom was the person making calling?

3. Who was the one to go out all alone?

4. What do you think will happen after the rush of bullets ?

5. Is the girl snipper any important person or just a random character?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2022 ⏰

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