Chapter 5

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I've sat in my room for days, maybe hours; just constantly thinking about what Jay said to me. I'm sitting in my room, in my turquoise Adidas sports bra with my shorts on, my head in my arms. KNOCK KNOCK "Nicole, please open up." The voice sounded like Molly. I got up from the position I was sitting in to open the door. Molly, wearing a floral jersey; black skinny jeans; blue Jordan's, she looked very concerned. "Can i come in?" she asked.

I moved aside and let her in. "Are you okay? I heard about the whole situation from Aisha on my way here. She was taking the kids to school." Molly said, touching my arms. I didn't say anything, I didn't know what to say to her. I wanted to cry then again i couldn't. "You know what Jay said wasn't true. You know those kids better than anyone, they needed you back then and they need you now. I've been in this room for about a week now, nobody has even seen you leave your house." Molly said, laying her head on top of mines. "I understand you're upset, Nic. You just can't stay in your room closed off from the world. If anything, you need to be back on top making sure whoever comes in your life stays there. You've been through Regan, Serenity, Aisha, Makaiya, Mecca, and now Jay. You are such a warrior and you gotta continue to fight." Molly smiled at me, wiping the tears that were shedding down my face.

"I didn't mean to be so closed up," I started. "It's just i never would have thought that Jay of all people would say something like that. I've did my best job on trying to raise these kids. I feel like I'm not doing my all.." I said, tearing up again. Molly rubbed my arms and then said, "Come here, i need to show you something." Molly opened the door and headed downstairs towards the kitchen. I followed closely behind her as we entered the kitchen. She stopped at the refrigerator and pointed to the drawings. "These kids think you are the best mother/father you can be. They are your angels, and you are their guardian. You're all these kids ever wanted including Tiara." Molly said, pointing at Jade's family drawing.

I began to tear up again and this time it's cause i realized that my family is all that matters to me no matter who walk out my life. Molly wiped away my tears and gave my forehead a light kiss. "I need you as well, Nic. Don't forget that." Molly gave me a pat on my shoulder before heading towards the front door. I watched with tears still running down my face, my body began to react on its own. "Molly..Molly.. MOLLY!" i hadn't realized i was chasing her until i grabbed her hand.

Her soft gentle brown eye peeked through my skin as she looked at me. "Yes, Nicole?" Molly said. Without a second to waste, my lips crashed onto hers. She gave in after 2 minutes and it began to escalate. I started taking off her shirt, unbuttoning her pants, and just touching her soft skin. She picked me up on her waist and she took me upstairs towards the bedroom. She laid me down, kissing from my neck to my naval. I gripped the sheets and grabbed her, "I'm dominant remember?" I panted. She smiled and said, "I'm taking control. Just sit back and let me do so."

I smirked at the sound of that and let her continued. She was so passionate at what she does, it was like reliving my childhood dreams with her. She made it seem like even when she's not around, i could feel her touch...her pink lips pressed against mines..her hands caressing every inch of my body. My back began to arch at the feeling of her swirling around inside me, it felt like she was fondling every bit of me. She came up for a minute, licking her lips sexually. I was squirming like i was just swimming in repetition. She then came up to my neck and slid her finger inside me. All i could hear was her song playing in my head. Her song Just Breath that i heard in the studio when she invited me. I remember the song as: Say i grab you by your hair.. Push you to the wall... Don't you say a word. Your time for words are paused, baby dont say nothing at all or your consequences come forward. Okay just grab the fucking sheets, leave it up to me. Girl, your body is a temple let me show you what i mean. You've been missing out on your all time favorite for so long. You can moan, you can scream or you can beg for it. It's not a dream, it's happening as we speak so just breath.

With the lyrics ringing in my ear, the moment just intensified. Because now Molly was singing the lyrics in my ear. I bit down on my lips and scratched up her back. She went deeper and it seemed like the deeper she sung; the more scratches ended up on her back. "Oh my God." slipped out my mouth but it came out as a moan. Molly kissed my jawline and whispered into my ear, "Craving my attention, smell your determination I envy. I'm tired not tonight, that p*ssy fine. I'm finna show you why you crossing my side, Okay just grab the fucking sheets. Leave it up to me.." I couldn't hold it so i tapped out.


It was late at night, Molly and I were up as she laid in between my legs; her head planted on my stomach. "Hm?" She said, kissing the inside of my thighs and rubbing them. "Please sing me that song that i like that." I smiled, rubbing her head. Molly laughed for a second then parted her lips to sing. "The only one that makes nervous...and cuff me at the same time. Tell the world you're more than worth it..Tell the world you're more than worth. See you the wave that i'm surfin, you leave me breathless in your presence. Under the sun looking like..Heaven. You gave me life cause your blessing. Too far but you're always in my heart. I make my way to you, not matter what i do, just say you love me too. Just say you love me too..yeah yeah yeah...and just to get to you. I would do anything, ooh, pursuing you, is to pursue my happiness."

The words lingered in the air and it was going into my heart like oxygen. The songs Molly sung made me feel like i could pursue anything. Molly ended up putting herself to sleep but she was still humming the words. I ran my hands through her hair and stared out the window...

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