Part 1: Debate

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Note: (Time change and character switch)   *Character actions*  {Art in the cover is not mine and are credited to original owners as well as characters only the plot is mine}

(In Laxus's Apartment around 5 PM)

Laxus: Freed, baby are you sure we're gonna be able to tell the guild about us?

Freed: Of course Laxus, the guild is very supportive, I mean I told them I was gay and they accepted me. I'm sure they'll support our relationship honey, so stop worrying so much.

Laxus: Ok, if you say so dear but if anything goes wrong I'm grabbing you and booking it outta there.

*Freed laughs*

Freed: I already told you Laxus I'm sure nothing will go wrong, so you don't need to book it anywhere. The worst that could happen is that they don't accept us and we have to break up. So if that time comes we'll cross that bridge together, ok?

*Laxus looks at Freed lovingly and sighs*

Laxus: Alright, but I'm still gonna consider a plan B when we tell them. We're gonna tell the guild next week right baby?

Freed: Yes Laxus so we still have time to think about what we'll say and or if we want to wait a little longer.

Laxus: K, goodnight honey see you tomorrow 

*Hugs Freed before he leaves*

*Kisses Freed*

Freed: Goodnight baby, don't think about this to much ok? I don't want you making assumptions and making bad choice. 

*Hugs Laxus back*

*Kisses Laxus back*

Laxus: I won't I promise, now hurry up and go, it's getting dark.

*Freed gives Laxus one more peck on the lips and then leaves*

(In Gray's Apartment around 5 PM)

*Natsu pacing around the living room* 

Nastu: Gray I'm nervous! What if we back down after Laxus and Freed planned for us to tell the guild about us!?

*Gray sitting on the couch eating ice*

Gray: Nastu calm down, I'm sure we'll be fine and that Freed will be sure to help guide us into telling the guild about us after them.

Natsu: But!

Gray: Natsu trust me we both know Freed is a very reliable person, and that he makes little to no errors when he plans something out especially when it comes to family and friends.

Natsu: Yea but I'm just really concerned as I've never done this before.

Gray: Its ok to worry flame brain so just try not to think of it until next week, got it?

*Natsu sighs*

Natsu: Fine ice princess I'll try, it's getting late i should go now. Goodnight Popsicle.

*Gives Gray a peck on the lips*

Gray: Good and you're right I'll see you at the guild alright. Night salamander. 

*Pecks Natsu back*

*Natsu and Gray Hug one another tightly before Natsu leaves and goes on his way to get happy from Wendy and Carla*

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