Chapter 1

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Princess Shin Yuna was lounging lazily in her bedroom, her lady in waiting, Lucy busy with who knows what. Lucy was her best friend; she had been her lady in waiting since they were 5 they were basically raised together. And right now, she wanted to rant about her whole situation she had encountered a few minutes ago. She had just finished brunch with her parents, not her younger brother. The really pleasant news is that she can't rule the kingdom. She was furious and disappointed, all she wanted to do was cry.

After all, she was raised to take over the kingdom, but it wasn't up to her. Her father could only decide who could rule the kingdom and they chose her brother since he was more 'Powerful.' It was ridiculous to her; Yuna is rightly the throne heir to Rizzithia, her kingdom.

Rizzithia was rich and well known for its gems and jewels, so they were very rich. She shifted in her seat waiting for Lucy. Tapping her foot she sighed, what was she waiting for when she should just call her. She picked up the bell from right beside her one a small coffee table. Picking it up she shook as it let out its ring, and a maid came rushing in.

"Is there anything you need, my lady," she said bowing before she spoke. Yuna looked up at her, taking in her appearance. She didn't look familiar and Yuna knew everyone in the castle.

"Are you new?' Yuna asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Yes, Y-Y -Your highness," she said, her voice shaking.

"Well don't be scared, I don't bite," Yuna, spoke chuckling, looking at the blond maid, "What's your name, darling."

"Marissa," She spoke, stepping forward, moving closer to the Princess.

"Well Marissa, I want you to go get lady Lucy, tell her to hurry and get some maids to prepare some tea," Yuna said tapping her foot against the floor.

The maid quickly bowed rushing to do her duties. If it weren't for Yuna being nice to Marissa as she was a newcomer she would have been walking out of that room in fear. A few minutes later a maids came in to set up some tea Lucy following in soom after.

The smiler Brunette had compassion and worry for the princess, "Princess." Lucy held her arms open as Yuna rushed into them, tears rushing down her tears.

"I worked so hard," Yuna whispered as Lucy wrapped her arms tighter around Yuna.

"I know, I know you did," Lucy said as they sold their Yuna, taking in her comfort. Pulling away Yuna wiped away her wet cheeks before moving over to sit on the couch.

"It sucks, I worked all my life, trained all my life, I gave my freedom, instead of being raised like normal child playing my time was spent learning, and their giving it to him a boy whos never even attended a real meeting," Yuna rambled furiously, slumping on the couch. Wiping away her tears with a napkin.

"I'm sorry, Princess Yuna," Lucy said as she sat down on a loveseat as she poured a cup of tea for the both of them. Handing Yuna a cup, Lucy settled herself in her comfortable seat.

"I mean my brother may have many connections and lots of amazing people under his service. The only difference is that he is more powerful, and I don't. What difference does that make? Yuna spoke softing her tone in her voice taking a sip to warm her hoarse throat.

"Maybe you should create a team, that's more powerful, and doesn't take much space like Prince Charles." Lucy suggested placing her teacup down and reached for a biscuit, taking a bite of it.

Yuna's eyes brightened at her lady in waiting words as she turned to Lucy. That is what Yuna should do; she has over 400 plus people working for her while her brother has way more.

"Lucy! You're a genius. I should create a team," Yuna exclaimed, placing her teacup down and sitting up.

"Princess are you serious, to make a team," Lucy said with a shocked expression on her face.

"Yes, a team," Yuna said, sitting back with a plan already scheming in her head. All she would need is some of the strongest men in the entire world form them as her team, but they would be different like no other team, a special one, they would be her jewels.  

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