returning home to nazarick

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No ones POV

the great tombs entrance was wonderful to see again. the smooth marble, the great statues that stood in the main hall. everything about the tomb brought back memories of the guild, as well as the friends that Y/N had made as a member of ainz ooal gown. as Y/N, Ainz, albedo and demiurge made their way down to the throne room of the great tomb, word of lord Y/Ns return began to spread like wildfire. suddenly as they were close to the throne room a voice began to ring down the halls, as a tall skeleton resembling a pirate on a small ship 

???:is it true?! has My wonderful creator returned!!

as the four of them turned around to see the cause of the voice, it was none other than Y/Ns very own NPC Captain Kidd, known for guarding the great tomb of nazaricks armory as well as leader of Nazaricks Air defenses. once Kidd set eyes upon his creator, he quickly hopped off of his ship and bowed in front of them

C.K: My lord U/N it warms these old bones to see that not one but TWO of the supreme beings are alive and well. please allow me to serve you ever faithfully for the end of days!

Y/N: HA HA HA! my dear captain Kidd! its so good to see you again! are my other creations nearby?

C.K: Forgive me lord, but the others are currently helping the floor guardians patrol the great demiurges absence of course.  Gael is patrolling the 8th floor with victim , while artorias is in the 6th floor amphitheater, training  along side the dark elf twins. but all three of us are ready to serve you to the best of our abilities.

Y/N: excellent! 

Ainz: albedo, demiurge, have all of the guardians meet in the throne room in one hour. i wish to make an announcement regarding Y/Ns return

Demiurge and albedo: Yes lord!

as the two of them leave, ainz turns to Y/N before speaking to him

Ainz: shall we head to the throne room? we should discuss something in private

Y/N: of course. lead the way old friend

as ainz nods ,he places a hand on Y/Ns shoulder before teleporting the two of them into the throne room. then without much of a warning, ainz wraps his hands around Y/N, embracing him, which Y/N happily returned

Ainz: U/N you have no idea how good it is to see someone else here that i know! things have damn near spiraled out of control since we got brought here!

Y/N: easy momonga easy! alright tell me everything thats happened since you were teleported here.

as the next hour passed, ainz began to fill Y/N in on everything that had happened in the months after the servers shut down. from saving carne village, to setting a foothold in E-Rantel as the raven black hero momon, to having to fight a brainwashed shaltear. and the discovery of a world tier level item in this world

Y/N: a world tier item....looks like things have gotten a bit crazy...and you think it could be another Yggdrasil player? maybe its someone from our guild?

Ainz: I don't believe it would be someone from our guild....they wouldn't go as far as to brainwash one of their creations...whoever they are remains a mystery...sebas is out in the restize kingdom collecting intel.

Y/N:i what should we do about this player once we find them?

Ainz:im hoping they dont have truly hostile intentions...but if they do we will end them

Y/N: understood, if we met this person, ill stamp them out

as the two agreed on this simple fact,the large doors at the end of the room swung open, allowing all of the guardians, including Captain Kidd, artorias, and gael to enter and approach the throne. as there guardians bowed in front of the throne, ainza made a willful decree.

Ainz: allow me to thank you all for coming on short notice my faithful guardians. now for my announcement!

as the guardians looked up at the two supreme beings, a second throne appeared right next to ainzs.

Ainz: i hereby grant Y/N the tittle of overlord! you are to follow his orders as though they were my own! if you have any objections to this then voice them now!

as the guardians were stunned, Y/N was the most surprised of them all. allowing him to call shots along side him felt like he was no longer the second in command, but it was if he became a true leader of Nazarick

Albedo: we have no objections my lord. All hail Lord Y/N, the crimson overlord!

Guardians: ALL HAIL LORD Y/N

Then the three NPCs That Y/N created, Captain Kidd,artorias and Gael, stepped forward and knelt before him

Captain Kidd: Your creations will follow you to the ends of this world and beyond it my lord!

Artorias: to conquer anything you wish to be yours, and crush anyone who would get in the way of your conquests!

Gael: to coat this very world in ash, and mark your name into history for all time!

as everyone began to cheer, Y/N looked at ainz and grinned before stamping a bladed heel down with a resounding clang

Y/N: this is a direct order! we are to aid lord ainz in making the world know of our great name! we shall show this world that we are not to be messed with! 

As the guardians began to cheer even more, it was then that a powerful pact was made between the two rulers of death. the day that Y/N became a true ruler of nazarick, and the day that Y/N was welcomed back to the great tomb. and soon enough.....

Y/N would begin his conquest!

Hey everyone! thanks so much for reading the newest....and VERY overdue part of the trickster overlord! now things have been iffy when it comes to writing in general. mainly my new job is keeping me from writing as much as i want to. so while new chapters will be coming,they will take much longer to make sure theyre just right. all i ask is a bit of patience in the future. but for now do take care and ill see you all in the next chapter!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2022 ⏰

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