Rumors begin to spread

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(this takes place in between the 1st and 2nd season of the show)

3rd person POV

somewhere in the dark parts of the slane theocracy,a dimly lit bar was as quiet as ever. people were playing darts and drinking the night away. as the night goes on several of the people at the bar began talking.

Man 1: so i heard there was a huge battle near E-rantel. people have been talking about it through the entire town.

Man 2: you really believe that crap? a vampire that tough would have only been in fairy tales. and the adamantite hero who claims to have stopped her? what did they say his name was?

Man 1: the raven black hero,momon. he apparently has the strength of tier 3 magic,maybe even 4th tier. if that's true than he may be stronger than gazef.

before the 2 thugs could continue to talk,they heard laughter coming from the corner of the building. as they turn they see what appears to be an old man in a ragged cloak,being only revealed by a dim candlelight. both of the men look at each other before standing up and walking over to the mystery man.

Man 2: what the hell's so funny old bastard?

???:oh its nothing...its just amusing how you humans believe tier 4 is godlike...its just worthy of a good laugh.

Man 1: what the hell did you just say?? you make it sound like its child's play. if your that cocky someone should put you in your place!

the man then grabs the elderly man by the collar and lifts him off the ground with a knife to his side. as the two men act more cocky other bar mates watch as the drama unfolds. but as they try to intimidate the old man,all they get is laughter.

???:forgive me,i meant no ill will but if a rusty knife is all you can do then i suppose that i should leave as soon as i can. sorry i have to do this to you,but i'm in a bit of a bind.

without warning the mystery man grabs the 1st mans face,and a dark aura begins to swarm the man,causing him to scream in pain. the rest of the people in the bar stand up and watch in horror as the mans body begins to wilt and turn to ash in front of everyone's eyes. once the mystery man drops his hand and turns to the second man.

???:now then...where did you say that battle took place?

Man 2: it was near the fields of E-rantel! now please let me live

???:sorry...but what kind of demon would i be if i let a cocky bastard live.

Man 2:no...please....NOOOOOOOO!....

1 hour later...

as the man leaves the bar,all that remained inside were tattered clothes and dusty corpses. once the man was safely outside of the theocracy and into the forest near the kingdom,he grabbed the cloth and tore it off,revealing his wings.

???:momon....the raven black hero...beware the wrath....of arsene!

and with that the man vanishes into the air,heading straight for the capital of E-rantal.

Ainz POV

as Naberal and i were inside our room,dividing the cash we made to pay off other expenses,there was a knock at the door. as Nabe readied her sword,i stopped her before opening the door to see the guild maid at the door.

Ainz: is there something you need?

Guild woman: ah yes,it seems someone has requested you for a quest personally mister momon.

Ainz: i see...we shall be down in a moment.

the woman nods and leaves the room,leaving me and nabe alone once again. after slight preparation,we head downstairs and see the guild woman talking to a man in a cloak.

???:ah the great raven black hero momon. its a pleasure to meet you.i need you help with a quest in the plains...there is a tribe of ogres who attacked my village. i request your assistance. i'll pay whatever you want just please help.

as i hear the mans pleas for help i let out a small huff under my helmet. however the more i thought about it the more i begun to realize that this village could be of use to me in the future. i then turn to the man and nod.

Ainz: very well then,i shall help you. we can discuss payment later after the mission is complete.

???:oh thank you momon! thank you so much sir. i can lead you there right away sir.

once proper preparations were made,we began to leave for the village. after a few hours of walking we found ourselves in a large open field where the old man stops us.

???:once again i must thank you two for taking this job...but i'm afraid this is it.

before we could react a large burst of energy pushed both me and Nabe back. as we inspect the old man he began laughing at us,as if he was taunting us.

???:well then isn't this just perfect! i finally get to experience what other have in your time here momon...or should i say...momonga.

i shudder as he says my old Yggdrasil name. is her another player? i have to know more about him,and maybe he knows why we're stuck here.

Ainz: who are you?? and how do you know that name?

???:oh please,you think i would tell you that once we finally have some alone time? show me that this world hasn't softened you Momonga!

before i could react Nabe steps in front of me and charges the stranger with her sword unsheathed.

Nabe: You wont touch the supreme being!

???:stay out of this! 8th tier magic,shadow imprisonment!

before nabe could retreat,large dark chains wrap around nabe and force her to her knees,keeping her immobilized.

Ainz: that spell....where did you learn that?

???:how about this...defeat me in battle and i'll tell you everything i know.

Ainz:....very well...i will show you my power. i wont be holding back

???:that's all i needed to its time to feel the wrath...


hey guys i hope you enjoyed the first part of this 2 part. before you say anything that doesnt mean that there will only be 2 chapters,rather this one is pretty long and i wanted to split it up. anyway i hope you guys enjoy this story,and ill do what i can to make more chapters you like. see you guys in the next chapter!.

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