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My eyes fluttered open, and instead of being in the middle of the forest where I expected to be, I was laying on the Mystery Shack porch.

As I sat up, questions whirled through my head. Who was it that saved me? How did I get here? How'd the person who saved me know I should be at the shack in the first place? How'd they know where it was?

I don't know, the person probably, no idea, absolutely no idea!

I tried to call back the memory of the rescuer's silhouette. The first thing I remembered was their hair. Long, in a braid. What color I couldn't recall. So a girl probably. But I couldn't think of any girls in Gravity Falls who wore their hair in a braid. She'd seemed about my height...again, the list is blank. So what motive did someone outside of Gravity Falls have to save me? I mean, they wouldn't even know me!

My thoughts were interrupted by the door opening and Dipper's voice.

"Mabel! Where were you? We thought you were dead!"

I looked up. "I almost was! I was getting attacked by the gnomes, then this girl I hadn't seen in my life saved me and I think she brought me back here and all I can remember about her was her long braid!"

"Ohhh...kay." Dipper said slowly. "Let's just get you inside."

"But Dipper!" I protested. "I've got to give this girl a thank you gift so I have to find out who she is!"

"Yeah huh. You must've hit your head, Mabel." He rolled his eyes.

"Well, I'm gonna find her!" I announced and spun around, matching straight back into the forest.

"Wait!" Dipper called after me, but I just ran faster.

I was going to give the girl who had saved me a thank you gift, no matter what it took!

((Those people who know me (like EZ-Dayz ) already know who Mabel's rescuer is hehe))

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