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(( EZ-Dayz this is FINALLY up, you're welcome.))

"So..." I stared up at the clouds where my replacement mystery twin and I were lying on the flower-covered hillside. She'd shown me out another fake flower trapdoor and now we were resting, the urgency suddenly gone. "I spy with my little eye...something white!"

"The clouds?" When I groaned in defeat, she laughed. "That was your pick the last twenty-seven turns, Mabel."

"But they look so nice!" I complained.

"Okay, okay, I spy with my little eye, something..." She thought for a second. "Brown."

"My hair!" I screeched, and she laughed.

"Yeah. How'd you know?" She smiled at the sky.

"Uh, you chose it the last twenty-seven turns yourself, silly!" I giggled.

"Eh, fair." She nodded.

I sat up and looked at the variety of flowers on the hillside. They went quote literally from A to Z, ranging from azaleas to zinnias. They were all so colorful. I picked a handful and was going to make a flower crown when a voice echoed up from the meadow.

"Weird...her footprints end here. They just...end."

"Oh no." I whispered. "They're looking for me."

"Hey." She turned me towards her. "They won't find you. If they're following your footsteps they're going to-"

She was cut off by a scream and the bang of the trapdoor returning to its original position.

"Fall through that."

"We should go now."

"I know."

We got up and ran from the meadow above the caverns. We weren't worried about them finding her camp, or finding anything.

That is we weren't worried about them finding anything...

As long as it wasn't us.

((Short, I know. Really long one to compensate will come soon))

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