Scarlet - XV

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(Scarlets POV)

We were having a great time and for once all the stress of the stupid quest was gone. Well for a couple seconds at least. One minute we are all laughing and,


The car is rolling into the ditch. Of course I wasn't wearing a seatbelt. What kind of hero wears a seatbelt? A smart one. I was thrown all around the vehicle. Once the car finally stopped I grabbed at my bag and searched for my ambrosia. My head was throbbing and there was blood running down the side of my face. I had several cuts and bruises everywhere. I ate two squares of ambrosia and some of the bruises faded and cuts healed.

I grabbed my extra sword and crawled through the broken window, Cass and Lucas were both unconscious, great I get to fight with the new guy.

I stepped out and Ty was looking around for what caused the accident. I didn't see anything.

Ty looked at me and his eyes widened, I figured it was how horrid I looked, maybe the gash on my forehead. "Um Scarlet," he whispered, "turn around very slowly." He warned.

I ignored the warning and whipped around. I was standing right infront if the maticore, dizzy. I hit my arm bad to activate it and my shiled materialized along with my sword. I threw the extra one down and attacked.

Ty was soon at my side, it was the first time I had ever fought with him but it felt more familiar than that. We were like one fighting and it was great. Until I got stabbed by its scorpion tail, "Oh my gods." I breathed the poison would slowly enter my bloodstream.

"Scarlet!" Ty yelled looking back at me.

"Keep keep going," I mumbled, "I'm I'm fi-" I passed out unable to finish the sentence.

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