The Start

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The piercing shrill of the school bell echoed though the school, I'm going to kill whoever invented that insolent  noise, I think to myself as I pass my peers in the hallway trying to spot a certain blonde head. Just as I turn around I am tackled by my best friend, Lily, as she screams, "KOALA!". While laying on the floor I playfully glare at her and she just smiles. "Hey Lil, Do you mind, you know... GETTING OFF OF ME!" I laugh. She just smiles and we both get up and walk to our religion class. The bell rings just as we sit in our seats. I glance up at our teacher, Ms. Detch, who looks oddly like Mrs. Doubtfire.  Lily snickers knowing exactly what I'm thinking of. We both copy what is on the chalkboard- which looks likes it hasn't been cleaned since the stone age- Social Justice was written in neat writing. I feel a nudge on my arm and I turn to only see Lily looking like she's is getting ready for a most needed nap. I roll my eyes and start copying the note.

After a grueling hour of religion and another of government studies; it was lunch.  Lily and I walk to the cafeteria or as we like to call it 'The Pit of Hell'. After catching a table at the side we launch into conversation

" That can't be true, Kyle can't walk and chew gum at the same time, let alone be apart of the Underground Elite", I say pointing my plastic fork at her then jabbing a cherry tomato.

"Well apparently the guy who runs it, killed like twenty people by himself", she says with wide eyes.

I just snort and roll my eyes.

"come on Rose, I heard he's hot too" she nudges me a few times.

I open my mouth to make a sarcastic remark only to be cut off by the bell. Looks like it's time for History.

I sit down in my assigned seat and say 'hi' to my friend Nathan and talk about the recent sports events. Our conversation abruptly ends when the teacher, Mr. Nayen, taps our desks with the meter stick. We copy down notes about Germany in 1944, How could someone be so cruel?, I wonder to myself staring at the picture of these poor innocent people.

After an hour of history and an hour of English; it was time to go home. After walking for twenty minutes I arrive at my modest three story townhouse. I open the door to be greeted by my very excited Rottweiler puppy. I laugh and kneel down and pet him " Hey Tyson, I missed you too buddy". I stand up and walk into the living room to see my brother, Mike, asleep on the couch with my one month old niece still in his arms. Her mother abandoned them shortly after childbirth; it has been really tough on him. I pick May up and rock her cooing softly while I walk up the stairs to my room. Placing a May on my bed; I go into the bathroom and change into shorts and a big T-shirt.

Two hours later I go back downstairs to start dinner. After putting May in her swing I make chicken Alfredo and fresh garlic bread. The smell alone woke my brother up . I placed our plates on the table and we ate happily. After I feed May her bottle I look at the clock and realize it's 11:00 pm. I put May in her basinet and go to my room and get under the covers. A few minutes later I'm fast asleep with my pocket knife clutched tightly in my hand. You can never be to careful  .....

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