Chapter 1:

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Hey guys, sorry for the slow updates, I've been having a serious case of writer's block and I hate it.

Within a large valley there rested a small tavern atop a large hill.

The sign read "Boar Hat."

Inside there were multiple customers, chatting and enjoying some good booze.

"Alright here you go." A young-looking male stated placing numerous mugs of beer at a table much to the delight of the customers.

" A young-looking male stated placing numerous mugs of beer at a table much to the delight of the customers

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The rather short Male known as Meliodas then continued tending to the multitude of customers going in and out of the tavern.

"Wow, for such a young kid he sure is a hard worker." One Customer stated.

"Waiter?" Meliodas asked turning to stare at the customer. "I'm not the waiter pal, I'm the owner."

This caused the customer to give a look of surprise.

"That kid...owns this place?" He asked in shock.

With that he let out a shrug and returned to what he was doing.

"Okay, order up!" Meliodas declared placing a meat pie on a table making the customers all cheer.

"Oh boy smells delicious!" One man said as he and his friends got ready to dig in.

However, the moment they tasted the food, their taste buds were repulsed and viled by the thing on their tongues.

All of them immediately spat out the vile excuse for food.

"Yeah, our tavern's got great booze but terrible food." Meliodas stated blankly.

"Ya coulda told us that earlier!" The Customers yelled at the young looking boy.

"Are you messing with us?" One of them yelled seemingly ready to deck him.

"Hold on, look...he's packing a sword." One of them stated pointing at what appeared to be a sword on Meliodas' back.

"Well guys, it looks like we've got a problem." Meliodas stated with a serious look before snapping his fingers. "So let's fix it."

The group of customers tensed up upon hearing that.

That tension however immediately faded when a large pig walked up to them.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2022 ⏰

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