𝐏𝐨𝐨𝐥 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲

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After spending weeks and weeks studying, stressing, and cramming, you finally took your midterms, and thankfully, you passed. Now, you're getting ready to celebrate at the pool party. Momo invited you and the rest of the class too.

You're so excited. You always love going to the pool and the beach, and it's been so long since you've gone to an actual pool party.

Now here you stand, in front of the mirror, eyeing your body in your bathing suit. It's a two-piece, but it's modest and doesn't show too much skin. Still, you can't help but feel self-conscious.

Just then, you hear the doorbell ring, realizing that Sero's arrived. Slipping on your cover-up, you run over and answer the door. "Hey there, girlie. You ready to go?"

Sero's wearing a shirt with a tropical print on it, along with some black swim trunks. His shirt is unbuttoned slightly, revealing some of his chest, and his hair is tied back into a bun. He looks good, like always.

"Hell yeah. I was practically born ready." You reply excitedly. "That's the spirit. Now let's get out of here."

You've never been to Momo's house before, and when you arrive, your mouth drops. It's a mansion. Like an actual mansion. "Holy fucking shit."

"I told you so. Momo's loaded, man. Now c'mon, let's go inside." He opens your door for you, taking you by the hand, and leading you inside Momo's huge house.

"(Y/n)! Sero! It's so nice to see you." Momo greets you, and she looks amazing, wearing a kimono cardigan and a bikini underneath. Her body is insane, and you wish you could look like her.

You're hardly listening to what she's saying, telling you about the food and how she has waiters and caterers and saying something about rules and when it's time to leave. Thankfully, Sero pulls you away before you can get lectured for too long.

You walk outside, seeing a huge pool with tons of people from your class spread out around it, some lounging around and talking, while others played in the pool. You and Sero walk over to a pool chair, dropping your things there.

"So, what do you wanna do?" He asks as he puts his belongings down on a chair beside yours. "Go into the pool, obviously."

You remove your cover-up, blissfully unaware of Sero's prying eyes, which move up and down your figure. You're more focused on the others, but then you realize it's a pool party and everyone's in their bathing suits, and no one cares, and you shouldn't be so self-conscious.

You spray on some sunscreen, rubbing it all over your body, before turning back to Sero. He's pulling off his shirt, revealing his well-muscled upper body. You find yourself staring for way too long, before finally looking away.

"Here, can you get my back? I can't reach it." Sero feels his heart jump into his throat. "S-sure."

"Is this okay?" He asks, rubbing the sunscreen onto your skin, moving in soothing, soft circles. You hum in response, relaxing against his touch, growing a little sleepy, even.

"Yeah. It feels nice." He moves lower, down to your lower back, where he feels his breath hitch. He can feel himself growing hard, and thankfully, you pull away just in time.

"Here, let me get you." You tell him. You rub the sunscreen into his back a little more hastily than he did, trying not to stare at his well-muscled back for too long.

Suddenly, Sero raises his arm, waving at someone. He's standing right in your field of vision, so you can't see who. "Who are you waving at?"

Looking over, you spot Bakugo and Kirishima, walking over to you. Oh God, this is going to be so awkward..

"Hey guys, how's it going?" You greet with a grin, feeling your palms already starting to sweat. "Sero and I are about to head into the pool. You can join us if you want."

"Okay, sure. We'll just get settled first." Kirishima replies, and the two walk off. The moment they leave, you groan to yourself.

"I literally can't talk to him. I don't know what to do." You admit to Sero. "You need to calm down. You're worrying too much. C'mon, let's go into the pool and release some steam."

So, you follow Sero into the pool, but your eyes are unable to leave Bakugo's form, not until Sero pushes you into the deep end, that is. Then, you manage to focus, splashing some water at Sero and swearing him out.


Bakugo watches as you and Sero mess around in the pool together, playing around, joking, talking, and laughing with one another. He can't help but leer at you and Sero from his beach chair.

"You know glaring won't do anything, right?" Kirishima tells him. "What the hell do you expect me to do, join them? They're acting like they're ten."

"Mm, it seems more like they're having fun to me. And yeah, you should join them. I mean, you like her, don't you? Then you should try and spend time with her." Bakugo only frowns at his words, refusing to move from his chair.

"Fine. Do what you want, but sitting here and pouting isn't going to help anything." With that, Kirishima walks off, leaving Bakugo alone, continuing to watch you and Sero.

You two continue to wrestle around in the water, before you stop him, and whisper something into his ear. Bakugo practically has an aneurism when he sees what happens next.

You're sitting on Sero's shoulders, and his head is right between your thighs. You're laughing, and so is he, and he's holding your knees gently, managing to keep you steady.

You and Sero challenge Uraraka and Deku to a chicken fight, which you lose, the brunette girl pushing you into the water. You don't care though, you're laughing, and happy, so, so, happy.

Bakugo doesn't like this. Not one bit.


You spend the next couple of hours, binging on snacks and meals from the servers, and playing some volleyball in the pool. Bakugo's very competitive, which isn't surprising, ranting about how he'll crush you and getting mad whenever your team scores a point. It's a close game, and ultimately, his team wins.

He seems a little grumpier than usual, but you don't pay much mind to it. It's none of your business anyways, even if you're friends, and you caught him jerking off to you. Maybe he figured out you knew somehow and that's why....but you don't know.

You and Sero stay at the pool until it gets really late until Momo has to finally kick you out. The sun's setting as the two of you walk out to the driveway, figuring to take the long way out the gate instead of walking through her mansion.

"Damn, I definitely got sunburned on my back." He groans, rubbing his neck and feeling the uncomfortable warmth on his body.

"I told you to reapply, but you didn't want to listen!" You tell him. "Yeah, but you're just so bossy."

Sero whines, and you roll your eyes at him. "But I'm right, dummy."

"Whatever." He rolls his eyes and nudges you with his elbow. You elbow him back, and then that elbow turns into pushing.

The wrestling pursues until he has you pressed up against a wall, his hands on either side of your head, boxing you in. You two laugh to each other, staring into one another's eyes.

And the next thing you know, Sero's lips are pressing against yours.

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