Chapter 16//Fancy

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Steven picked up his board and we walked over to his friends. "Laine, this is Bryan, Nate, Keelan and Lali."Steven says "Hey. I think I already know Keelan."I say.

"Hey. I'm Nate."Nate says.

"hey."I say and hug him. "I'm Bryan."Bryan says and hugs me.

"And I'm Lali."Lali says.  "Hey Lali"I say and hug her.

After we meet, the guys go and do a couple tricks and me and Lali just hang out. "So what school do you go to?"I say. "Stevens."

"Really? I go there too but I don't think I've seen you before"I say. "Oh, me and my friends usually hang at the back of the school. That's probably why."she says.

"Oh, yea. Probably."I say and let out a small laugh.
After we said our goodbyes me and Steven decided to his house.

We go to the kitchen and his mom and Sister are in there. "Hey Laine."His mom says "Hey Mrs. Fernandez."I say and hug her.

"Hey Jackie!"I say. "Heyyy!"she says and pulls me into a bone crushing hug.

After greeting Jackie and Mrs. Fernandez, me and Steven go into his room.

"We have school tomarrow."I say. "Yea. I don't wanna go. I can't wait Two more weeks for summer break!"Steven says.

"Me neither."I say. It's getting late so I say bye to Steven then leave to my house.

When I get home I shower, change then go to sleep.

In the morning I wake up. Then change into something a little bit fancier than usual. (outfit on top/side) After i get changed I brush my teeth. Put on my Usual makeup, then spray perfume on myself.
"Hey Steven."I say as I walk up to his locker. "Hey Baby."He says and kisses my cheek.

"Woah"he breaths out. "What?"

"You... You look different."he says. "Is that a good thing?"

"Yes! Yes! It's such a good thing. Well, I mean, you've always looked good but you just look... Um.. Uh."he rambles. I giggle at him. "Steven! It's okay, no need to ramble."

"O-okay"he says. "Okay"

Hii! I know I've yet to update and that this ones extremely short, but it's like 9 pm right now and I havn't eaten since like 12 and I havn't had caffeine since I went with my friend Ashley to Starbucks earlier at around 3 so yea. Oh! You guys can thank her for me updating, I'll definitely try to update more often and if you noticed I'm writing differently it's because it's just easier for me that way. And here's a personal shoutout to Ashley, make sure to thank her ashleyyyfernandezdoe <--- this is you right ashley? Yea, okay.
~Hailey <3

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