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How are you all doin?

I'm here with a new story!

Now the credit for this story goes to Zitod. But I'm writing this story in my own own.

Hope you will show it the same love as you have shown my other stories.

Please note that this story is rated 'M', for mature audiences, as it will contain explicit language and adult themes (lemons will be preceded by warnings). Among the adult, themes are the untimely deaths of several named characters. I will say this only once: I do not detest any character that I kill in my stories.

Now without any further delay let's go into the story ;)


A parody of a human being, that is how one could describe the entity that rose from the ground, with its right half black and left half white, encased in what seemed like two Venus-flytrap-like leaves which emerged from its sides. This entity was called Zetsu. Or rather, its white half was 'Shiro-Zetsu', while the black half was 'Kuro-Zetsu'. The white half was a silly chatterbox, carefree and playfully blundering his way through life, while the black half was serious and knowledgeable. The two were distinctly different entities, yet somehow 'one' at the same time. After all, the parasitic black half needed a host to survive on, and to carry on the will of his 'mother'. The countless clones of the white half were well suited for his plans.

"The way you can just grow from the roots is interesting," a gravelly voice welcomed him. "You sure those white things don't have a heart?"

"How rude," White Zetsu pouted.

"Shut up, fool," Black Zetsu silenced his other half. "You were quite... thorough, Kakuzu."

"You knew that before you hired me," the S-rank missing-nin from Takigakure shrugged. He was probably one of the few people Zetsu knew who wasn't even fazed at the sight of his strange plant-like body. Then again, Kakuzu was rather peculiar himself as well. A battle had just ended, and the black threads which grew from Kakuzu's body, due to the kinjutsu Jiongu, were still stitching his wounds.

"Seems like you had quite a fight. Of course he did, it was Hatake Kakashi who opposed him."

"He was definitely someone who had earned the right to carry such a bounty," Kakuzu admitted, his voice virtually devoid of any emotion except a slight annoyance. Kakashi had, after all, taken out two of Kakazu's hearts. "Good thing that he had an affinity for raiton. He skewered my lightning heart, so having a way of replacing it right away is quite convenient. Now, all I need is a water heart. You don't happen to have an affinity for suiton?"

"No! We told you we don't have a heart. Nor organs. We can't even poop!"

Kakuzu lifted the corpse of a grey-haired shinobi from the ground. The jonin from Konoha had put up quite the fight, but in the end, Kakuzu had been the one who had the greater reserves. It had taken an annoyingly long time before the Hatake had finally run out of chakra, though. The deaths of his 'cute little genin' had sent him into a fury that had cost Kakuzu his first heart. The annoying Chidori had cost him a second.

"Fifty million Ryo, thirty without his sharingan," Kakuzu became uncharacteristically happy, or whatever passed for happiness for the miserly man, at the idea of the money he had just earned.

"Keep the eye. We don't need it. Still not sure why we want the boy, though. He's pivotal to our plans."

"The black-haired boy?" Kakuzu wondered. "His abilities with ink were quite unusual, but nothing special. The Yamanaka boy was stronger, but lacked any special ability."

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