New Power

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Welcome back, guys!!

Thank you for the wonderful support you gave. Love you guys!!

I promise this story will be an epic one

Now let's go into the story ;)


It had been an extremely bad day for Kurama. One almost equaling the day he had been split in half, to be sealed within the son of the woman he had been sealed in previously. That very child was on the border of life and death, and Kurama had to exert himself to keep the boy alive. The death of the boy would, after all, imply that he died as well. And the Kyuubi had no desire for death, not the least because he did not know what would happen if he died.

It was not that a bijuu could actually die, not by the mortal sense of the word. His body could be destroyed, yes, which was as close to death as the Kyuubi could get. What was more worrisome was that he had lost his Yin half when he was sealed within Naruto. While only having Yang energy, Kurama doubted that he could recreate his body.

Yang could breathe life into form, but Yin was needed to create form.

"Stupid brat!" the enormous fox howled. The light within his prison was slowly dimming, at the same rate as the vigor was slipping out of the boy- and then suddenly, everything changed.

Plants, roots from mighty trees, grew through the sewer that led towards Kurama's prison. The walls were slowly being covered, the ground, normally covered with water, dried up as the foliage soaked it up. A foreign chakra invaded Naruto's body, merging with it, and the remnants of Naruto's chakra responded.

Not that he could be blamed for not trying to stop it. Whatever happened to the boy, it was bad news. The man who had attacked them, who had killed the teacher and the kunoichi, and left Naruto for dead, had obviously acted on orders of something else. Kurama cursed the fact that Naruto's sight had failed when he completely lost consciousness. A blur of black and white was the last thing Kurama had seen through Naruto's nearly closed eyes.

It was bad news indeed.

Whatever it was, if the boy was completely taken over, then Kurama would be at their mercy- which was utterly unacceptable. So when the foreign chakra reached out for the boy's unconscious form, which had been resting right in front of Kurama's prison, the might nine-tailed fox lashed out which his claw. The pull of the foreign chakra increased, but Kurama didn't relent. The boy might be an insufferable miscreant, but he at least left Kurama alone, and whoever it was that tried to take over the boy's body would undoubtedly be worse.

The opposing powers struggled for dominance, with Kurama severely handicapped due to the restrictions which the seal imposed on him. Regardless, Kurama was mighty enough to match the power of foreign chakra. It had the same odd quality which reminded Kurama of Senju Hashirama and his mokuton, but this form of the wood release was incomparably weaker.

Naruto's ego was left dangling between the two powers. Unable to endure, it ripped asunder.

In a moment of desperation, Kurama forced all his chakra through the seal. The might of the fox had been cut in half by Namikaze Minato, but ironically, it was only the Yang energy that Kurama needed right now.

The foreign chakra couldn't handle it and transformed. The result was a genetic rewrite that Kurama couldn't stop. The boy and the invader became one, except for the part of the boy which Kurama still held in his claws. With the ego of the boy torn asunder, Kurama knew he had to act quickly. That shattered part of the boy's entity was perfect to close off the seal. Whatever the other half of the boy had become, it would not be able to reach Kurama- not without Kurama's permission, at least.

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