Rabbit Town

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At Beast CO•OP

Michiru gets tape put on and ripped off her snout by a red headed man, confirming she's a Beastman

Michiru: No, I'm human! Can't you tell?

Sonic: You still look like a Beastman, Michiru

She pouts at him "You're not helping" she says, making him laugh

Ogami: Impossible, it simply shouldn't happen. We already have to deal with one of you, we don't need another

Michiru turns to him "What do you mean by that?!"

Suddenly a lady walks in "Maybe you should discuss this at a later time. As of now let's talk about something else. You're Miss Kagemori, is that right?"

Michiru: Oh, that's right, Kagemori Michiru

Lady: My name is Melissa. You've met Gem here and despite appearances he is the head of the Beastman Cooperative

Sonic points to said man "Yep, don't let his beta male looks fool you, he runs this place" Gem gets offended and embarrassed by this remark

Melissa: I see you've already met Sonic as well

Michiru looks to said boy "Yeah" She looks back to Melissa "Sonic isn't his actual name, is it?"

Melissa giggles "Of course not. What made you think that?"

Michiru looks to him "He won't tell me his actual name"

Gem: Now, Maurice, I think it's only fair you tell her your name

Michiru: Maurice?

Sonic sighs "Fine" he extends his hand towards Michiru "Name's Maurice Jackson Olgilvie, but you can call me Sonic or MJ"

Michiru smiles and shakes his hand "Nice to meet you"

Melissa: Maurice was in a similar situation as you not very long ago. But in his short time here, he's already grown accustomed to life in the city

Maurice nods "Been quite the ride too. If you ever need someone to talk to, you can come find me"

Michiru: That's really sweet. Thank you

Maurice's house, the next day

Maurice wakes up to Marie pushing him off his bed. He gets up with a groan "Not cool, Marie"

Marie chuckles "I thought it was pretty funny" She gets off the bed "Anyways, that wolf dude from the CO•OP called"

Maurice: Ogami? What for? And what are you doing in my house?

Marie shrugs with a smug smirk "I don't know. And I was bored"

At the Citizenship building, cause I can't remember what it's actually called by the time I'm writing this

Michiru: Wow, it's packed

Shirou turns around "See you later" he says, walking away

Michiru turns to him "What? You're leaving me?"

Shirou looks back "Someone's coming to help you with whatever you have problems with, and I happen to have a few errands I need to run" he walks off

Michiru sighs in disappointment as Maurice walks up "He runs off on his own a lot, don't worry about it"

Michiru looks at him confused "What are you doing here?"

Maurice shrugs "Helping you, I guess"

Michiru: Right, ok
She looks off to the side and gets scared "Hey, what's going on?"

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