Sonic Prologue

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This chapter opens up with two streaks of light, one peach, and one blue, flying through the city. Of course, some of us know them, but to those of you who are new, or have completely forgotten, I'll remind you. We got this world's Sonic The Hedgehog, and Cream The Rabbit running around at the speed of sound, leaving bursts of wind in their wake

Sonic: How's it feel, kid?!

Cream hops onto a building and runs along the wall "It feels incredible!" She leaps off with a backflip and starts running through the sidewalk "Is this how you feel all the time?!"

Sonic leaps over a car and spin dashes down the road "Basically!" He drifts into a left down the street

Cream shortly follows up "Race you to the top of the mayor's building!" She hits the dash toward the mayor's building

Sonic chuckles and speeds up. The two of them dash up the building at immensely high speeds. Cream goes as fast as she can, but Sonic is simply too fast, so he makes it to the roof first

Cream: I almost had you!

Sonic chuckles "Well, there's always next time." He sits down on the ledge

Cream sits beside him "The city looks so pretty from up here"

Sonic nods "It's always great to take a minute to look down at the city." He spots a few cars going by "Appreciate the sights, and all the little things"

Cream: The little things?

Sonic: Yeah, look out for the little guy, y'know. There's more to helping people than using your powers to beat people up

Cream nods, and then thinks about something "How did you get your powers?" She looks down at her hands "I was born with mine, so I thought that was the same with everyone, but Ogami got his from a magic emerald." She looks up at her mentor "What was it like for you?"

Sonic sighs "That's a long story"

Cream: Can you tell me? Please? I like stories

Sonic chuckles "Okay, okay. I guess since you'll learn about it anyway." He stands up "Since I'm gonna tell you, we might as well find Michiru so I don't have to repeat it"

Cream cheers "Can we get some chili dogs on the way?"

Sonic laughs and claps "Kid, I don't think I've met anyone that gets me like you do." He leans over the ledge "We grab some chili dogs to come home with, then we can get into the--"

Sonic Prologue

It all started in Culver City, California, my hometown, the place that made me who I am. It's where I lived with my family, a cool mom, a dope dad, a chill older bro, and a beautiful little sister

We were a typical family. We were financially stable, our home was cool, our family was wholesome. My life was kinda perfect

My story starts on a summer evening in 2018, when I was walkin' home after hangin' at the local basketball court with my friends

Past Maurice stretches "Man, that was fun"

So y'know those scenes in movies where you turn a corner and notice someone following you? Yeah, I didn't get that. Actually, I turned a corner and when some car passed by me, the guys inside actually got out and called out for me

Guy 1: Hey, kid!

Maurice looks back

Guy 1: Come here!

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