This goes out to my followers

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Hi! If you're reading this, this chapter is for you. I appreciate everyone who says things in the comments. I am always open to people messaging me, and I love reading your comments. I would love to have a conversation with you on messages! You really make my day.

You probably don't know this, but I am the youngest kid in my entire extended family. Therefore, I am treated like a 5 year old by everyone, despite the fact that I am a teenager. I have always been a crybaby, and I feel like no one understands me. In fact, crybaby is an understatement. I cry at EVERYTHING. If I lose a game, I cry. If my friend gets mad at me, I cry. If I get water in my nose at a pool, I cry. It is honestly tiring. I'm not even doing it on purpose. It's like a volcano of tears, bubbling up inside of me.

"Honestly, it's just a game." the words I've heard almost every day of my life since I was a kid. No one ever gets it. But with you, i feel like I've finally found my people.

My parents don't know about this watt pad account. God no. I'm still in the closet. If you're gay, and you've come out, I admire you. I love meeting other gay people! This is kinda going to become a diary, and I'll be pouring my heart out to you.

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