Chapter One

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Work was quiet today. There were only two costumers so far. One was a creepy, old man that, for some weird reason, always seemed to sort of reek of fish. He comes here a lot. Mr.Johnson was his name. He was fat, bald, short, and had glasses, typical old man. He always came in every Thursday, to buy new food for his dogs, - going on and on about how bad and scary they were; like I was a robber he was trying to scare off with his talltales about his dogs.

There was also Mrs. Smith. She was a crazy old lady, -and when I say crazy, I mean crazy. Don't get me wrong, shes incredibly sweet and humble, but she can get a little..delusional -for lack of better word,- at times. She was put into several mental hospitals and institutions, but always ended up buying her way out with the ridiculous amount of cash she has. She has so much money, she doesn't even know what to do with it, hence her being a regular at a Pet Shop and spending her money on things like kitty litter, instead of things like yachts and limos. She owns more money than I have saved into my life savings.

Short, with crazy blue eyes, Mrs. Smith was the epitomy of crazy old women- especially for the fact that she always wore a big hat with purple flowers on it. She said she wore the ridiculous getup because "people could read her thoughts if she didn't," and, "stop talking young one they are listening to you right now." Then she runs her mouth about the story, about her "cat only eats one specific cat food brand or else Fluffy gets a little cranky" while I just smile and nod politely and ring up her cat food.

I was pulled out of my own thoughts when the bell to the door went off, indicating that another customer had just walked in.

Make that three costumers, I thought to my self as I looked up at the person that just walked in.

"Good morning, do you need help finding anything?" I asked him as he walked to the dog section.

He looked up at me with big eyes and said, "No thanks, but thank you though."

He walked straight over to the dog section, bending down next to them and gently petting them as they rolled around. He was probably around my age. He had black hair, caramel eyes, and... a nice body, might I add. He was wearing a cute black sweater that was too big for him, with skinny jeans, and black vans.

He was cute; I'll give him that.

'Lets hope my boyfriend doesn't find out,' I think laughing to my self.

"How much does this cost sweetie," Mrs. Smith asked walking my way with a dog bed.

I opened my mouth to speak but the boy beat me to it, "it's twenty dollars." He smiled shyly.

She shook her head, putting twenty five dollars on the counter as I scanned the item. She quietly said thank you then rushed out- mumbling something about how her cats will love this.

I looked over at the boy catching his eyes as I smiled his way asking, "How did you know that?"

He shrugged, "I've always wanted a dog, so I know everything about them."

"We need another worker here.. would you ever want to work in a place like this?" I asked looking over at him.

"I guess. When would I have to do it?" he asked getting up to look at me better.

I looked over at the calendar hanging behind me and said, "Well, I'd have to get you to fill out a résumé, but work starts for you at the same time it does for me- Monday through Friday, right after school. When does your school get out?"

"Umm," he laughed scratching the back of his head and said, "we go to the same school."

I looked up at him in confusion, "Really?"

He shook his head looking down at his feet. I felt bad for the kid, I didn't know he went to my school. I guess I don't pay attention to anyone but my boyfriend. Suddenly, I felt stupid uttering that pathetic one-word reply.

"Sorry, uh.. to make it up to you, I could drive you to work every day? If that's cool with you?" I offered, trying to lighten the mood.

"You wouldn't be caught dead with me, I'm an outcast. You on the other hand, you're dating the school quarterback, and you're considered popular, and to top it off, you still get good grades," He said bending down again to play with the dogs. He sounded almost angry with me. Almost... annoyed.

Choosing to ignore his slight hostility towards me, I looked down at my phone and checked the time asking, "How do you know all this stuff about me?"

"Everyone knows you. They either want to be you or want to be with you," he said like he knows all the drama.

"Oh." I said sheepishly, unsure how to respond to him.

The kid just shook his head. "Yeah," he muttered under his breath, "'Oh.'"


I closed up the shop, still thinking about what the puppy boy said. He didn't give me his name, and walked out of the shop before I could ask him anything else. He seemed like a shy, sad kid. Kind of like me in a way, but I don't usually show that side of me. My boyfriend doesn't even know, and honestly I don't care because, I don't want him to know. It makes me feel weak. And not in the "weak-in-my-knees-I'm-so-in-love" type of way; it's more like "weak-and-cowardous-and-petty" type of way.

I started my car, strapping in. Driving home, I blasted Green Day and began singing along to every song that came on, by them. I soon pulled into my driveway turning off my car, unstrapping myself, and climbed out of the car; grabbing my school bag out of the trunk, because I went to work right after school and had no time to take my bag home first before heading to work, I leave my school supplies in the car until after my shift at the Pet Shop.

I tried coming in quietly, knowing my father was probably drunk. I didn't want to agitate him. He can get really rowdy when he's heavily intoxicated.

I didn't even get through the front door before my mother swung it open, "He's at it again.. just go up stairs and lock your door," she heavily sighed.

I shook my head knowingly, trying my hardest to stay quiet. I trudged up the stairs with my head down, whenever my dad wasn't sober, it put everyone in the household in a pretty bad mood.

"Goodnight, Mom," I called out, before going into my room and shutting the door.

I stripped off my work clothes, throwing on my pajamas and flopped onto my bed. Groaning, I recalled everything that happened today. It was a pretty long day.

Today we had exams at school. Then it was an awfully slow day at work , and a random tan classmate of mine that I've never noticed before shows up, possibly being my new coworker tomorrow. And coming home to my dad in a drunken state, and my mom in a distressed one.

"What a day," I sighed, curling up beneath my sheets and trying to drift into the bliss of slumber.


A/N: Hi guys, it's Nee. We have two girls writing Puppy Boy-myself, and Alyzza. Puppy Boy is in-the-works, so we're still working on it right now. Dont forget to comment and share and stuffff (-; Emma (main character) on the top or to the side.

Love you! ~A&N

Puppy BoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora