Ch. 4 The new Biker

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Sorry guys for the late post of this story I have been busy with work and just got time to do this.
When the trip had arrived at Pittsburg Ashton got out of the car and ran to his bike and lifted the seat and saw a picture of his younger brothers and him when he was around fifth teen and got signed to start learning in the LA dojo and they all of them were smiling in the picture. Most of the time when Ashton was going into a fight he knew he might not walk out the same he would always look at the picture. In the picture was Ashton's great grandparents and his grandparents.

Ashton: God may you all forgive me for what I must do and save me a spot up there in heaven for me pop and granny I would like to see you again.

Ashton was crouched down and didn't see his new travel buddies in Britt and Jaime with him looking over his shoulder and staring at the photo.

Britt: Who are all of the people in that photo Ashton?

Jaime: If you don't want to talk about then it is fine.

Ashton stands up and looks at them and the girls saw in his eyes were a little tear.

Ashton: It was a picture of my family when we were whole and didn't lose anyone  It was the photo my family and me took when I had started training in the LA dojo.

The girls were scanning across the photo and then Britt asked a question Ashton was very clear on in many ways of answering.

Britt: When you first got your hands on Adam what did you mean by he brought it on himself?

Jamie: Yeah I was always wondering that?

Ashton had looked around and then at the girls and asked them not to tell. The girls promised without a heartbeat.

Ashton: when my great grandmother had passed Adam decided to personally show up to the funeral and disrespect my family and then payed his hands on my mother by slapping her and where I come from if a "man" does that they are no man at all.

The girls can see that Ashton wanted blood and that was the only way he was going to find peace with his family life.

A Little Later

Production guy: Ashton, Britt, and Jamie Tony want to see you guys in his office.

All three had no idea what was happening and if they were in trouble and all three solemnly agreed to go to Tony's office and see what he had wanted.

Tonys Office

Tony: Ahhh just the three people I wanted to see tonight.

Ashton: Hey tony what is this about.

Tony: I'll jump straight to the point I have a storyline idea for the three of you guys if that is ok with you all.

The girls were fine with it because they had nothing going on right now but Ashton wanted to hear the idea first.

Tony: So the idea is that Ashton you will return tonight you will appear in the ring after the main event but enter through the crowd and with a mic in hand call out Adam in a no holds barred street fight at All Out.

Ashton: Ok

Tony: Then on rampage you will jump the barricade with a new look and sneak attack the young buck in their triple threat tag team match and cost them the belts.

Ashton: I like that idea.

Tony: Britt and Jaime you guys will appear in a segment with Thunder Rosa and Tony Storm and play the mystery of a match with them and then walk off and later in the night if you are ok with it Britt you will come face-to-face with Adam and Ashton will jump him.

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