1 moving day

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Thor's POV

I was chilling with the rest of the avengers when I heard my brother Loki announce " Um...Thor you have a letter from mother and Father. It says that it is extremely important."

I wasn't sure what Mother and Father needed to send me that would be so urgent. "Ok. Can you bring it to me or just read it out loud please," I asked Loki.

"Just because no one's really in here other than a few people I will just read it out loud to you." Announced Loki.

Dearest Thor,
We are aware that being a avenger takes up a lot of your time but we really want to know when you will be able to come and take Y/N home with you. We love her and we love having her around but she is your daughter, plus you have Loki there with you. We are sure that he can help you take care of Y/N. So we are just wondering when you can come get her.
Love your dearest Mother and Father.

I was at lose of words. How could mother and father just want her gone like that. Was she being a bother or causing trouble?  What could she have done? "How dare they. They promised that they could take care of her for the time of me being a avenger!" I announced I was in Midgardian terms 'pissed off'.

"Wait hit the breaks... Thor you have a daughter. And worst of all you didn't tell us." Was all Steve could say. The rest of the team all nodded their heads in agreement.

"Yes I have a daughter. I was scared to tell you guys because I didn't know if you would want to meet her or if you would hate me for it." I said hanging my head.

"hate you for it. Really you think we could hate you for that. Never Thor your family." Natasha almost yelled across the room. "Yeah Thor we would never we could even want to. If you want we can get started on a room for her!" Announced Tony.

" That would be great thanks Tony. Oh and... She loves space and stars. So if we could go with a space and stars theme. Also... She kinda has a German shepherd/blue healer puppy that I got her last year, I hope you guys won't mind if atlas is running around, he's well behaved so he shouldn't be a problem." I replied

I was told my my grandmother that me and atlas would be moving in with my dad and the avengers. I was so excited my dad had told me stories and shown me photos of him and the avengers.

Lil time skip...

I was all packed and ready to go. I waited down by the entrance to Asgard ( I forgot what it's called so bear with me.) My dad showed up with a happy smile on his face and open arms. We immediately went to Midgard.

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