13: The Serpent Underneath the Flower (2)

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Shu Yue studied Lu Baiyu with narrowed eyes. There was a hint of fear in the old man's eyes, which piqued her curiosity even more. How powerful was that man to turn an elder into such a coward?

So, he's really a Saint rank? Shu Yue wondered.

She had no doubt this time. Judging from what Lu Baiyu said, that man was clearly strong, proving her suspicion that he was indeed from a different clan--a powerful clan. Lu Baiyu, an elder and an SSS-rank warrior, even admitted that he had no chance of winning against that man.

Her mouth twisted into a bitter smile.

This is getting interesting.

She was up against not only a clever but also a strong man who might have already attained the highest rank possible.

But there was still one thing that she was dying to know.

"What clan is he from?"

Lu Baiyu was quiet for a minute, then said, uncertainly, "I don't know. . . I'm not sure."

Shu Yue arched a skeptical brow.

"I'm swear it's the truth!" Lu Baiyu roared, his face flushing with anger and frustration. He clenched his fists, as if trying hard to keep himself from lashing at Shu Yue. "I know nothing about that man, so stop asking me about him. I've already told you what I know."

Shu Yue stared at him in silence for a moment, her face emotionless. Lu Baiyu seemed to be telling the truth this time, so Shu Yue didn't ask him again or press him on it further. It just made sense that the mysterious man would not reveal information that could be used against him. He even toyed with them by wearing different belts to confuse them about his actual rank.

But he gave a specific location where he could be found.

Somehow, Shu Yue was more uneasy than relieved knowing that information. She found it odd that the man would simply reveal his current location. Unless he was just messing around, as he always did, and it was all a trap.

Or maybe he really wanted to be found.

Perhaps that information was actually meant for her. He knew she was looking for him, so he used Lu Baiyu as an unwitting instrument to inform her of his whereabouts.

She set her mouth in a firm line.

That cunning bastard!

The mysterious man was most likely trying to lead her to the inn. It was definitely a trap. Nonetheless, she had to admit he was really clever. He had planned things with precise calculation, and almost everything that had happened since her victory in the sparring match had been manipulated by him.

But Shu Yue couldn't let him continue to play her like a fool. Who knew what that man was up to? Since he knew her true identity, could he have been aware of her plans? Whoever he was, he had to be silenced as early as possible. Shu Yue couldn't risk having him ruin her plans. Not right now, when she hadn't even done anything.

She clutched the sword tightly in her grip. She wasn't going to let him keep pulling the strings. Now that she was aware of what he was trying to do, it wouldn't be hard to counter him. He was tricking her into believing she was winning this game of cat and mouse, and Shu Yue would do the same.

She'd play his game, pretending to fall into his trap. She'd make him feel like he was winning.

Outsmarting a hidden opponent was a tricky situation, so she had to be more careful. She shouldn't appear too naive or too smart. If she played her cards right, she would have the upper hand.

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