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sanake: i saw some lesbians at the pottery shop

owow: interesting

bunnyeon: you don't know?

sanake: know what?

bunnyeon: nothing

jypiece: sana was right, that was so lesbian

dubs: what is that

owow: it's nothing hyun it's just a bread

tzuyoda: don't play around with my bread

thomasjyo: well i once had a date with momo and it was amazing !

jypiece: really? i just noticed the awkwardness between you guys lol

thomasjyo: shut up, who ever want a seaweed soup date duh

jypiece: well i made it for mina okay

tigerchaeng: what mina? stfu

sharon: well thanks sis for the soup

jypiece: anytime

sanake: now i know hm

tzuyoda: what

sanake: well the lesbians at the pottery shop, kinda lovey dovey huh

sharon: were you stalking me and chae?

sanake: nah i was stalking a random dude on the street duh

sharon: i thought you went to a bakery shop

sanake: duh it's on the same way, mina why are  you so dumb

sharon: oh idk

tigerchaeng: because mina fell

bunnyeon: huh?! really?! omg! where when?!

tigerchaeng: fell for me 😏

sharon: 🤗🤗

bunnyeon: what do i have this kind of friend

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