Chapter 2

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“What!?” Jessi bellowed.

 “Ok, so,” Mei goes on ignoring Jessi, “Remember the game we were at before our trip to Charlotte’s parents’ beach house in Virginia?”

“What game?” Jessi asks

“The last, last game we went to before our girls’ trip.”

A dozen more questions about what game Mei is talking about from Jessi, and a dozen more answers about what game Mei is talking about from Mei later, I can only hear the sounds of two things in my car: the car’s A.C., and two badgers screaming at each other, ironically trying to understand each other in the process.

“Mei!” The red-head cries out while facing the little Asian, “All of our fucking boyfriends play fucking sports, and we fucking go to all their fucking games cause we supportive-as-fuck girlfriends. Now, be more specific.”

“Bitch, I’m talking about Daniel’s last godamn football game, that was the last godamn game we went to, before this godamn girls’ trip,” Mei shouts back

So, we’ve learned three things today in the past five minutes: first of all, Jessi’s favorite curse word is fuck. Second, Mei’s favorite curse word is godamn-which I don’t consider a curse word since my parents would always tell my siblings and I not to curse, and the proceed to say it all day. And finally, third, Mei also forgot to tell Charlotte about this whole Daniel cheating on me fiasco, so now she is totally and fully a part of this conversation.

“Still don’t remember,” Jessi informs Mei, who’s faces are only inches apart.

“Y’mean the game where Jess and I left early to go meet up with Liam and Caleb?” Charlotte innocently asks.

“Yes Char, the game where you and brainiac over here left early to go get some dick before our two-week long girls trip, took you long enough,” Mei answers, annoyed that it took them almost fifteen minutes to crack the code.

“Oh, now I remember. Y’know that night Caleb fucked me in the ass, man do I miss him.” Jessi says looking at the car’s roof, as if the memory is playing on a screen up there for only her eyes to see.

“Ok, moving on from Jessi’s intimate, and private, moments with her boyfriend,” Mei says, interrupting Jessi’s sexual daydreaming.

“So,” Mei continues, “After the game, and after you two whores left Bella and I to go get some dick, me and my good friend Bella decided to go and congratulate the star of the night, the quarterback, and team captain, Daniel Montanyo, also known as Bella’s boyfriend.

“As we were in the middle of our quest to find the Italian hunk-we couldn’t find him-we decided to ask for help from one of his teammates, Carter McHooters-” Mei’s cut off by a loud cackle coming from Jessi, as she tries to make an understandable sentence. “Wait, his name is McHooters?” She says in between gasps for air.

“Oh. My. God! That poor, poor boy. Who’s gonna want to marry a guy named McHooters? Let alone date him,” she barely says with tiny laughs and gasps escaping her between syllables.

“Yes, yes, his name is hilarious,” Mei says, a smile on her face. “Anyway, Carter told us that Daniel went behind the bleachers, and so, that’s where we headed to. And when we got there, we saw him kissing someone.” Mei stops talking to look over at Charlotte and Jessi, who are working expressions that say, “What the fuck?” and “Looks like I got one more ass to beat today.”

Without guessing, Charlotte was definitely rocking the latter one. “Are you serious right now?” This time, the two of them are shouting. The duo looks at me with horrified, concerned faces, and as their mouths open to fire a million questions per minute at me, it’s Mei’s turn to interrupt them.

“Hey you two, no questions until I’m done,” she informs. But of course, Jessi and Charlotte ignore her demand, and turn to me for answers.

“Who was that fucker kissing? Huh? Cause I will beat his six-foot five ass,” Jessi says, which wins her a smile from me.

“Y’know I will beat the living fuck outta him and that bitch ass hoe with my metal bat. I might even pop a ball or two,” Charlotte adds. God, do I love these girls.

“Can ya’ll stop talking over me, I was just about to explain who and what happened,” Mei cried out. All of the attention was back on her, as she went on to tell the story, but then again, what’s a story telling in our friend group without interruptions, jumping to conclusions, and guessing what happened in the end.

“So, who was the whore that Daniel was kissing?” Jessi asks clearly still annoyed. Mei looks at her, lets out a I-give-up-on-you-people sigh, and just keeps talking.

“The girl that Daniel was caught with, kissing behind the bleachers,” my stomach does a flip just from hearing those few words, “the fake blonde, with fake blue eyes, and has been stuffing her body with plastic since she was fifteen,” Mei pauses, as to add dramatic effect and to give a chance for Charlotte and Jessi to process the new knowledge they just obtained, and maybe figure out who the culprit was.

“Cindy Adams,” Charlotte blurts out. Mei turns to face her since she’s been looking at Jessi and I all throughout the forty five minutes it has taken us to get from the beginning of this conversation, or story, or whatever you want to call it, to the point we stand at right now.

“Bingo baby,” Mei praises Charlotte for her quick guessing, unlike Jessi, who is trying to remember who Cindy Adams is. And by the sudden spark in her eyes, her mouth forming an O shape, and the proud-of-myself look she had plastered on her face, I can tell she found Cindy Adams somewhere in that brain of hers. Along with food, the best spa treatments she could get in our state, and naked images of Caleb.

“Ok, so what happened next?” Jessi asks Mei, stealing the words right off the tip of Charlotte’s tongue.

“So,” Mei goes on, “as Char said, when we got to the bleachers, we saw that Daniel was kissing Cindy. And as soon as his eyes met ours, Bella was bolting to the car to get home as fast as she could, and since you two were with your boyfriends, cause of the ‘No sex in the house unless everybody else’s out’ rule, she could go home and cry her heart out without any interruptions from you two since, apparently ya’ll love doing that.

“And I’d be too busy trying o figure everything out from Alex, and not beating the shit out of Daniel and the plastic out of Cindy.” Mei stops to take a breath, surprised to see two pairs of eyes looking at her, as if begging her to not stop, like they could die on the spot if they didn’t know what would happen next.

“Anyway,” Mei starts, relieving the tension off of their shoulders. “I decided to go after Bella, and fifteen minutes later, we were back at the house. That’s when I called Alex to ask him what happened, since he’d been the only one left with Daniel. Fifteen minutes was apparently enough time for Daniel to explain to Alex what happened, and so, Alex explained to me.” Mei stops again to catch her breath a second time.

“Well? What happened? You can’t just leave us hangin’ like this Meimei, c’moooon,” Charlotte whines from the back. I spare a glance at the three gals who somehow managed to make me forget about these problems for two weeks, to find Charlotte and Jessi staring into Mei’s soul, looking for the rest.

“Alex told me that Daniel told him, that Cindy tricked Daniel into following her behind the bleachers, something about losing her eye contacts there. Daniel being the gentleman he is, followed her and tried to help her find her “lost” contacts. And Cindy knew that Bella would come looking for Daniel, cause, well, she’s his girlfriend and he just finished his last game of the season. Anyway, Cindy waited for Bella to appear and spot them, and then surprise kissed Daniel. Without his consent.” Mei finally ends the story.

And that’s it, that’s what happened. Nah, that is far from all of it, there's still a bunch of shit to go through.

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