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Ok so, this is going to sound weird, but what if I told you that you're standing on top of another world. That's right, right below you is an entire world filled with monsters and demons, shadows if you will. Now, you might be thinking to yourself, "If that were true then how have I never seen it when I dug into the sand as a kid?". Good question, I didn't understand that either. This is the story of how my life was eternally changed. For better or worse you may ask? Well to be honest... I'm not really sure myself.

My day started out pretty normal, wake up, smash the alarm clock, eat breakfast, and pack my things. Pretty normal start right? Well it actually wasn't, I was moving to live by myself. Well sort of, I was gonna be going to a High School with its own dorm rooms and such. I'd be starting as a Sophomore and hopefully would be able to fit in. I heard its a lot harder to do that when you're older, so let's hope for the best alright? After I finished packing all the things I really needed, like my clothes and Jimmy (My Dino plush from when I was 6. Hey don't judge me!). I went downstairs to say goodbye to my parents, but I was too late, they had already left for work. My father was an Electrical engineer that did things for the government, and my mother was a high end lawyer that would do nothing but worry about her work. In a way, I was happy they were sending me off. I left a note though still that way they didn't call the cops asking where their kid was, I knew for a fact they wouldn't care, but I still wanted to in the hopes that they still did care. I walked out of my house and down the street as my mind began to race about all the things that could happen. As I got to the train station and stepped on, holding onto the support bars, I realized I was in for a long... Long Ride

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