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Evi stared at her uncle, trying to decipher the news from the lines on his face—but he hardly had any. She frowned. If there was one time when she didn't want someone to have youthful good looks, it was at that particular moment. She glanced at Byron, wondering if she'd have any better luck with his weathered skin. Part of her was irritated that he had been told the information before her and Liam, but the other part knew that was her own fault. If they had really wanted to be informed, they wouldn't have spent extra time at the beach. But she didn't regret it. No matter what the news was going to be, she could at least say her last moments with Liam were worth it.

Samael narrowed his eyes slightly and took Liam in. "From what we can tell, Conrad's poison has caused some genetic changes within this human's body."

Evi's eyes went wide and she turned to Liam. She also studied his face, hoping that by looking at him long enough, she'd be able to tell what had happened. His skin was as tanned and smooth as it had been when she first met him, and the twinkle in his eyes from the sun gave him a spark of mischievousness. He was still just as amazing at that moment as he had been all along.

"Genetic changes?" Liam's voice pulled Evi out of her scrutiny. "You mean like cancer?" Some of the color drained out of his skin.

Samael folded his hands at his waist, his eyes opened to regular size. "No, I don't believe it's anything that drastic. Unfortunately, we can't tell for sure what those genetic changes might be. Do you feel any different?"

Using his free hand, Liam patted his stomach and his chest, then dropped his hand to his thigh. He shook his head. "No."

"No strange sensations on the inside? Like a buzzing in the head or tingling in the arms?"

Liam stood silent for a moment, and Evi imagined he was running a scan of his body. He then shook his head.

Samael turned his gaze toward Evi. "On one hand, all of that is good. On the other..."

"It means we're still not getting any closer to finding answers." She finished his sentence for him.

He dipped his head slightly. "Byron tells me about some of the rumors that had been circulating through his contacts, about more humans and several other species going missing."

Evi's frown deepened. "Have you heard whether or not they're connected?"

"I'm not in the business of rumors and gossip, but I have had several individuals come to Naraka to make offerings to appease certain deities and to find answers about why the Wulanin have been visiting their worlds."

Evi swallowed thickly. "What else have you heard?"

"The Wulanin are up to something, and their goal is to draw the Eros away from Erosvold. At the moment, that's all I know."

"Have they been successful?"

Samael gave her a small smile. "If you're wondering if your mother has ventured away from the throne to meet the threat, no. She's waiting to see what happens. The last thing she wants is to rush into a battle with the Wulanin if it can be avoided."

Evi snorted with derision.

Samael lifted his eyebrows. "You don't approve of her tactics?"

"What it sounds like," Evi did her best to keep the contempt out of her voice, "is that she's waiting until the Wulanin target a species that is worth her time and effort."

Samael shrugged slightly. "She takes no one's counsel but her own."

"Don't I know it," Evi spoke under her breath.

"Still." Samael gazed at Evi with a hard look. "You were concerned enough to undertake a Journey and break your banishment." He nodded toward Byron. "And so did he. If you think there's something serious going on, then maybe it's worth checking into."

The Consequences of Coerced Evolution (Book 1 in the Legends of Erosvold)Where stories live. Discover now