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"Please escort Tommyinnit out of my country." Tubbo stated with an emotionless expression. Tommy entered a state of shock as Dream strode up to him. "Lets go Tommy." Tommy reluctantly followed the masked man as they got into a boat and began the long journey to exile.

I cant believe it. He really exiled me! I thought we were best friends! And after all we went through together. I mean, I never even meant to burn Gogy's house down! It was just a prank!

"Out of the boat Tommy." Dream stated cruelly, jerking the younger out if his thoughts. Dream grabbed the child by his collar and punched Tommy in the face, giving him a bloody nose. Stupid Green Tellitubbey. Tom thought to him self. " Get up" The older
blonde, not waiting for an answer, grabbed the younger by his shirt collar and threw him into his tent. "See you tomorrow Toms." he said. And left.

~ time skip brought to u by me not typing out a week of events~


" COME HERE TOMMY!!!" The child never thought he would be this scared in his life, Dream had the revive book. And was itching to try it out on Tommy. Dream could kill him in SO MANY different ways and he was terrified that this would hurt ALOT.

I mean, theres death by lava, drowning, sword, axe, dagger, punching, burning, and potato. And thats just a few! He backed away from the masked man and closed his eyes, just then, Tommy felt a stabbing pain in his side.

"Fuck" He whispered as he glanced over and saw an enchanted diamond sword in his side, and his own blood everywhere. Darkness surrounded him as he painfully entered the Limbo. He didn't even get two seconds in there though, as he was pulled right back out by Dream.


"YOU DIDDNT KNOW IF IT WOULD WORK??" The young teen yelled.

"First time for everything." The older stated harshly. They continued this process for the rest if the day. Trying every death method thinkable.

~ Time skip two weeks~

Tommy looked down at the lava. He was gonna do it. Jump. End it all. He was tired of the constant abuse from Dream. He even threw a beach party and no one had come. He was all alone. Even Ghostbur had left, tired of all of his negativity.
no one will care do it
The thoughts blared in his head. He was done with it all. It was over. Then, he jumped. H felt free for the first time in weeks. He saw the lava closing in in him, a cozy heat enveloping him, and thought, good bye Tubbo. But before he hit the lava, Dream snagged him with a fishing rod. " Its not your time, Tommy." He had failed.

Time skip ab three weeks. sry y'all I'm lazy.

Phil, Techno, Ghostbur, Tubbo, and Ranboo were all behind a tall iron wall with small windows in it. The five of them were shocked to see Tommy, covered in his own blood, burn scars, and bruises, on the other side of the wall, unreachable, with Dream. The kid had been through alot, it was obvious, from the way he cowered, to the fact that his once bright blue eyes, were now a dull gray. Regrets went through the minds of the ones behind the wall.

This is MY FAULT. I exiled him. I sent him here. I listened to Dream. Tubbo thought.

No. My son. I FAILED HIM! WHY! I rarely even saw him after Wilbur took him to L'manburg. After Technoblade and I began adventuring. Phil thought to himself, heartbroken.

The voices screamed even louder in Technos head. Commanding him to do something. And Ghostbur just... sat there.  They were forced to watch, helpless, to what was happening. Dream raised his sword above Tommy then paused, stepped back, and said

"Good bye, Tommyinnit." And TNT went off all around Tommy. A pause went through every person there that day. Then, Tubbo released a scream if pain so loud, the ones all the way in the smp heard. How he is alive, no one but the entity in charge of this shit knows. But in the explosion, Tommy was blinded, and his shirt torn to shreds, making visible, two, large, red, bloody wings on his back. How he managed to keep them secret? No one but the entity knows. Tommy tripped on a tree root and fell face first in the snow, unconscious . Dream stood over Tommy where he fell. Dream was about to stab him for the final time when an arrow struck dream in the heart, and a mysterious figure dropped down from the sky...

( A/N FIRST CHAPTER IN FIRST FANFIC!! Constructive CRITICISM WELCOMED!! Please be kind tho!! Have a wonderful day and know that u r loved me!!)

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