Warnings/my understanding

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Tw: blood,  knives, weapons, cursing, murder, hallucinations

From my understanding of GL.

It's were Ranboo can communicate through different generations through a bright red dial phone.

He has a lot of tapes on a specific crime that happened lately. The Lostfeild Incident.

Every time someone finds the tapes or catches on with what the tapes mean, Ranboo kills them. All while the VHS tapes contain the brutal murders of Ranboo and about the Incident.

That's all I know for now but I this story I'll be changing a few things.

Ranboos from 1749. From all the tapes from 1749-2022 Ranboo is there. No matter where if he's behind a tree, sitting in a bench, or eating a sandwich.

He's always there. Always has the same expression in his face.

Eyes wide, breaking the fourth wall, blood shot eyes, limp-looking arms, his head leaned to the right, dirty blonde hair turned into semi-brown from each tape, growing taller and taller every tape.

His current friends, billzo, tubbo, aimsey, freddie, found it weird how ranboo acted.

He is tall. Very tall. He would sometimes just stand there looking at nothing for more than an hour.

He never let them watch ANYTHING from the losefeild incident.

One by one, each of Toby's friends disappeared except for one.

First was aimsey.

Second was freddie.

Third was billzo.

After the disappearance of billzo, he realized that Ranboo had no impact of the incident.

Tubbo would then realize why.

He was the losefeild murderer. He was the one who made his beloved friends go missing.

He does the brave thing to do. He confronted ranboo. Which was a mistake.

Ranboo then murders the last member of the group. Tubbo.

Leaving the tapes at the abandoned house, as he waits for the next generation to find about him.

And the cycle goes on and on.

Who knows when he'll stop? Maybe never, maybe soon. We'll never know.

As he stashes the VHS tapes in a few boxes, he grabs his note-pad and crosses off something.


It was his 'birthday'.

Next generation he'll cross off


Every generation he lives for only 18 years, as he creates more and more famous crimes anonymously.


now I think that ranboo found the red dial phone, he tries it and there's a raspy voice coming from it, the voice stuck in his mind when the voice started giving commands.

Ranboo felt pressured, the voice wouldn't leave him alone. So he did. He did what the voice told him.

'Kill him. You k ow who I'm talking about.' The voice said, ranboo obeyed.

Tubbo started growing suspicious about ranboo. 'It's not my fault' 'it was my fault' 'I didn't wanna do it' was written all over his stuff.

I will post the first chapter soon. Don't worry yall I'll try and make sure it's atleast 1k words

The other side Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora