The finder.

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!!I kinda changed the plot to this story but my new plot is: ranboo explored a seemingly infinite forest, he spotted a cabin in the middle, he had traced his steps and he knew how to get out but he went inside, all that was inside was a toy like red dial phone and a box named 'tapes' his curiosity got the best of him and took the phone and box. He headed home, aka tubbos house. Thats the plot for this chapter, I will try to make them long but I will be describing the plot in every chapter dw!!

Ranboo actually had a VHS player, ranboo doesn't know how to use one. But he just guessed you pick a tape and put it in and press the play button.

He found the tape that was labeled 'Important for the finder of these tapes' so he played it.

It was a bunch of static at first, but then the TV whispered something.

It was like backwards talking. The screen cleared up and the texts read 'Find the Finder.' Until the screen started to flick. The word 'find' was being crossed out by a thick crimson liquid and was replaced with 'kill'.

The TV finally spoke correctly.

'If you found this and played this, the curse has been transferred to you. Whatever you do. Don't try to break it. It always comes back. You can only transfer the curse to another person after the voice is satisfied of what you've done.. please. Listen to the voice on the phone. Goodluck.' A man's voice spoke.

Ranboos heart stopped as he heart the red dial phone ring.

His trembling hands pick up the phone. 'Do what I say and you'll  e perfectly fine. But the others around you won't.' A voice said,

'Yes..' ranboo replied not knowing what it was gonna command him to do.

'The tapes are videos of past victims or past people who had the curse before it was passed on to you. I want you to hide the tapes somewhere in the house and whoever finds them, record yourself on a tape killing them. Don't worry, I'm easily pleased. I see your every move.' The voice from the other line said.

'Mhm.. i-im gonna hide the tapes now..' ranboo said still not believing the situation he's in. The guy from the other side hung up on him.

Ranboo sighed shakily and grabbed the box, throwing it down the basement. He knew no one was really gonna go there since all of them agreed it was creepy and it smells bad there.

Poor Aimsey.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2022 ⏰

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