Late Afternoon..

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It was a late Tuesday afternoon when the local bookstore part-timer, Mar had just finished her last shift. As she got ready to close up for the meantime, she heard the sound of the door slam open, and there he was, the world's most ANNOYING lad ever!

 Oh how Mar couldn't stand him "What the devil are you doing here Andrei??" she said in a blunt tone "Oh? How rude, is this how you normally greet customers? I daresay, you did quite a horrible job sorting out the latest novels now let me see.." Andrei said swiftly going through all the books "accidentally" pushing them off the shelves and kicking ones that had fallen everywhere. 

"Andrei.. if you came here only to annoy me please see yourself out and away from me." Mar was already exhausted from dusting the books and cleaning the shelves all day; all her hard work was being thrown down the drain. "Eh fine see ya bozo" then he left.

"Or do I?"Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora