Late Afternoon Part 2

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"It can't get any worse can it?" thought Mar who was picking up the books. Suddenly there was a loud and angry old voice; "Mar Weissman. The store is a mess and the books are a disgrace just how much fun are you having pigging around all day stuffing your obese face with pastries all day?!??" Mrs. Mae is also known as Mar's boss had just entered the shop seeing Mar on the floor picking up books all scattered everywhere desperately

 "O-oh! Mrs. Mae... I see you're back from your business trip... Well, this is awkward." Mar was very sure she was bound to get fired but definitely not like this, suddenly it seemed like she was dreaming when she heard this "Oh curse this! I would've fired you so long ago but we're short on staff so I'll have to cut your paycheck by half oh dear... Alright now get out you've messed enough already go now shoo" Mar immediately grabbed her bag and left "Thank you, Mrs. Mae!".

"Ugh out of all the people it just had to be her!!" thought Mar as she walked her way back home

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Aug 29, 2022 ⏰

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