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"Let's go," Yizhuo says.

"Oh," Aeri looks up, "okay. I'm- I'm gonna go to the bathroom first. Hold on."

Yizhuo nods.

The night isn't going the way Aeri wanted it to. She was supposed to listen to a busker with Somi for a while and walk for a little before going home.

But she isn't that upset. Sometimes things we don't expect happen. And Jimin and Minjeong aren't unpleasant - they're pretty and nice and interesting.

She picks a pepper flake that was stuck on her canine out, baring her teeth in the mirror.

Aeri has always been drawn to interesting things (often to a ridiculous degree where she doesn't know when to stop sticking her nose into), and Yizhuo is by far the more interesting thing she's come across in her whole life.

Or maybe it's just her flashy hair and nails. Either way, Aeri likes it. Her fashionista mom would like her.


Aeri jumps, looks into her startled. reflection. She peeks to the side and hopes Yizhuo hadn't walked in. She catches sight of black leather boots tapping in front of the door.


"Coming," she calls out. She fixes her hair quickly and rushes out.

Yizhuo has a new look in her eyes. Maybe it's the alcohol, but Aeri thinks she's extra attractive right now.

"What do you wanna do?" she asks Yizhuo as they walk out into the parking lot. It's empty besides a few cars that must belong to the restaurant staff.

"Is just sitting around good enough for you?" Yizhuo asks.

Aeri hums. "Don't you have something to do?"

Yizhuo sits on the curb. She leans her guitar on the wire fence behind them. "What do you think I have to do?"

Aeri doesn't sit, remaining standing, but she leans on the fence. It bends back under her weight slightly.

"Are you gonna smoke?" she asks.

Yizhuo looks up at her. "No. Why? Do I look like a smoker?"

"I'm not gonna lie, you look like you do weed as well," Aeri says, and Yizhuo laughs. It's not the first time Aeri has seen her laugh, but she feels proud. She doesn't understand why or think about it until Yizhuo looks up at her with mirth that she realises: it's because she made her laugh.

"I've done it once - both cigs and weed. They weren't delicious and I felt stupid after, and edibles aren't that yummy either, so," Yizhuo replies, "I'm just the ol' boring bitch."

"What do you-"

"You're good at deflecting questions, Aeri. What better things do you think I'd rather do?"

Aeri stops. She thinks. "Hm..." She taps her chin with her finger. "Girls?"

"Is that how I struck you?" Yizhuo asks lowly. "Do I look like a whore?"

"Oh god, no, that's not what I meant," Aeri stammers, stepping back, scuffing the asphalt with her shoes. "It's just, I heard you're really popular at SMU. And you had such a huge crowd at the square, I thought you'd have... other relationships when you're everywhere, you know?"

Yizhuo is playing her guitar on her lap softly. She has tabs memorised on her fingertips and Aeri doesn't know the song, but she can't look away from Yizhuo's hands.

"And what about you?"

"I guess I did have some homework," Aeri answers.

"Now that's sad." Yizhuo puts her guitar back against the fence. "I wish I was as popular as you think I am. People don't really like the idea of a foreigner waltzing in one day and taking the title of star student."

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