The Lord Protector Returns

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Lilliane's eyes were fixed on the horizon. Her gaze scanned the waves in the dark waters, contrasted against the grey clouds that covered the sky. It locked onto every ship that approached the Dunwall harbor. Of course, rationally, she knew it was still at least two days before he returned. But she couldn't shake the feeling that he would somehow surprise them.

"Mother, could you come play with me?"

Lilliane turned away from the sea, looking toward the two people behind her. One was an older woman, dressed mostly in black, though her clothes were adorned with several gold embellishments. The other was a little girl, all clad in white except for her little black shoes and the red ribbon she had tied in her dark hair.
The woman turned her gaze away from the papers in her hand and gave the girl an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry, Emily, but I'm busy right now. The Spymaster will be here soon and we have very important things to discuss." she explained.
"Why don't you ask Lilliane? I'm sure she won't mind."

At this Lilliane took a step forward.

"I would be delighted, my Empress." she said.

The woman looked up at Lilliane.

"You can call me Jessamine, my dear." she reminded her.

Lilliane smirked.

"Of course, Lady Jessamine." she responded.

The Empress simply shook her head in response, an amused smile on her face. She couldn't argue further though, as Emily immediately grabbed Lilliane's hand and began pulling her along.

"Come on then!"

Lilliane couldn't help but laugh as the child pulled her away down the stairs and past some other members of the court. Truly, little Emily Drexel Lela Kaldwin was a child of unmatched energy. Something Lilliane found both adorable and, on occasion, quite vexing and tiring.
Emily eventually led the two to a small courtyard, still in view of the coast, where she finally let go of her hand.

"So, what would you like to play, my lady?" Lilliane asked.

Emily seemed to frown a bit.

"Please, don't call me that. You know I don't like it." she said, crossing her arms.
"It makes you sound like all the other guards, and I don't want you to be like them."

Lilliane sighed, chiding herself mentally for her mistake. With him away, she had grown used to treating Emily more formally. Mostly because the other members of the court were very adamant that she address the royal heir with the proper courtesy. Especially Spymaster Hiram Burrows, who had made his distaste for her clear long ago. With them hovering over her shoulder so often, it was easy to forget that Emily preferred a friend over a stone cold statue.

"You're right. I'm sorry, Emily." she said, kneeling down and placing a hand on the little girl's shoulder.
"Now, what would you like to play?"

Emily's face lit up immediately.

"Let's play hide and seek! I'll cover my eyes and then you go hide." she said.

Before Lilliane could agree, they were interrupted by a bell and the sound of machinery. Lilliane recognized as the sound of Dunwall Tower's elevator, which was used to raise small boats to the interior dock.

"Do you think he's back?" Emily asked her, a hopeful glint in her eyes.

"Maybe. If so he's early. But let's go check." Lilliane answered.

The two of them moved over to the entrance of the Tower grounds, Emily skipping ahead with excitement while Lilliane walked behind her at a brisk pace to keep up with the little girl. Soon enough they reached the gates. Entering the Tower grounds currently was a guard and a man dressed in a dark coat, tousled dark hair and trimmed stubble. At his hip was a sword like Lilliane's and a pistol. His face stretched into a smile as soon as he saw them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2022 ⏰

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