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The next day brought another bright hope to Lilly's little messed up life as she woke up fresh, done her morning routine, got dressed nicely and was now making breakfast for herself and her precious furrball.

"Here, furrball. Have some milk. It won't harm your anything, I'm sure. Let's make you habitual of drinking something else than car's fuel. I was wondering, how you must have survived the next day after you were gone from here?" While placing the platters over the dining table that she asked.

Multitasking and brilliant mobility during conversations, has always been her best move.

"I just found out that humans are attractive to our money. I just gave a man one golden coin from my pocket and he loaded me with starwberries. I got kind of bored from the blue ones." He talked casually while talking about gold like it was a piece of cake. Leaving her shunt.

"What?! Gold coins?! You've got gold coins?!?!" She went fanatic at this new information.

"Yeah. We do. But that's not the point right now, Lilly." He approached her amazed figure standing near the dining table and he firmly held her hand. "What's more important right now? Is that how will you deal with your boss at work?"

"Yeah." Her excitement level went down the hill the next minute.

"I'm assuming that he'll hardly go harsh on you. Because he likes you, and if he behaved odd? He'll know that you'll leave him but he won't do that because he would be wanting you to be in front of him. Every time!" No doubt that he was talking like an open book of upcoming events with her.

He was just worried and he wanted to let her know everything just in case.

"How can you say that, even from a huge distance, furrball?!"

"Lilly, I know what kind of games people can play with your little heart. Think about it. He would be just wanting you to be there in front of his eyes. He won't be liking it that you'll ever fade away."

"But... I..." She suddenly went speechless towards his assumptions.

He could be right.

"I'm just telling you to be ready for every situation." He cared for her a lot.

She sighed and sat down for a while, so does he.

"Lilly, I just want you to be careful. I don't want anybody to hurt you by any way." He worriedly looked in her lowered eyes. His hand always gave a delicate caress to her soft cheeks.

She than gave him a hopeful smile and placed a sweet kiss on his forehead, running her fingers in his elegantly beautiful hair. When she relaxed him with calmness ahead.

"Don't worry, furrball. I'll be careful."

After getting done with her breakfast, she left. Whereas he just sat there still.

After she left, he sat quiet for a long while. A sudden pin drop silence seized through the whole house.

He felt as if a little flower bloomed in himself. Probably giving him total comfort and control to his powers.

His power was love.

He was delicate to handle, but at the same time mighty powerful enough to crush everything.

Only today, Lilly reached her workplace with a heavy heart yet feared eyes. She hesitantly entered the cheif's room and thought of complying with the further situation very carefully. Anything could happen.

"Miss Lilly? Welcome. I was hoping to see you today." Surprisingly, the cheif talked in a calm voice that confused her.

Her furrball was definitely telling the truth.

"Ye-Yes, sir. You told me to see you today. I came just like you said." Her inoccent little voice was capturing his instincts so very much. She was adorable.

"Oh. How obedient you are, my favourite girl." The cheif leaned front over the table and pitily stared the petrifying girl who stood with blinking eyes. "Listen, miss Lilly. I'm really sorry for my behaviour last night. I highly apologize! I shouldn't have been harsh with you."

Her eyes widened all of a sudden when Lilly just stared the cheif right there and thought about everything that her furrball told her earlier as if he literally saw the future and knew what was about to happen or how it will go.

Her furrball's every word was becoming the truth.

"I'm assuming that he'll hardly go harsh on you. Because he likes you, and if he behaved odd? He'll know that you'll leave him but he won't do that because he would be wanting you to be in front of him. Every time!"

The cheif went polite with her for a huge reason. He simply doesn't wanted to fire her or make her leave this place ever. He'd die probably and stuff if she did leave.

Lilly couldn't believe it. Everything was happening like the way her furrball told her.

"Miss Lilly. Please. Have you forgiven me?" The cheif stood up and she got afraid even more, thinking about him doing anything unusual with her, as she took few steps back.

"Ye-Yes, sir." Her rapidly blinking eyes dropped down the floor.

"Please don't think of leaving this place ever." The cheif's generous behavour shocked her for a while but then she understood everything.

"R-Right, sir. I'll be doing my work." She said and headed out from his chamber the next minute when she went to persue her work.

The whole day, Lilly was unbothered by the devil Julia and her time went practically well with her other best collegue Crissi as they both talked about work. Crissi was also totally stunned after knowing the thing that the boss didn't go angry at her and later Lilly also told her the reason as to why he behaved that way, when Crissi was partially happy that the boss was into the employee so hard, as Crissi probably thought that Lilly had no one in her life as a partner and this could be a good chance and start.

When Crissi was unknown about another fact that even a more handsome Aphrodite was already into Lilly.

Impatiently waiting for the time to devour her soon.



Okay, next chapter could be steamy.

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