Ask #2

139 0 2

OxtailCarrot791 asked: Hello Bosip can you stuff your friend, Bob, with some yummy and delicious pizza?

Bosip: Feels more like a dare, but okay.

(2 hours later, Bob arrives at the scene, seeing about 68 pizza boxes)

Bob: Uh, Bosip? What's all this pizza for?

Bosip: They want you to eat it all.

Bob: I don't care, they look so delicious!!

(Bob suddenly starts eating the pizzas)

Bosip: See, it wasn't that hard.

(30 minutes later, only 10 of the 68 pizzas remains; Bob is laying on his overstuffed belly)

Bosip: Well, how it was?


Bosip: Bob?

Bob: What? You want to eat the- UUUURP! -remaining pizzas?

Bosip: (insert epic shocked face here)

Bob: Oh come on buddy! I can- UUUUUURP! -feed you what's left of these pizzas! You up for it?

Bosip: Wait! Bob, you don't understand!

(Bob picks up a pizza slice)

Bob: Come here Bo, let me feed you this little slice-


(Oxtail you're great in every way)

Ask/Dare with Fetishs! FT. Bob and BosipWhere stories live. Discover now