Dare #2 (Ending 2)

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funnybunny1446 asked: Yo Bob, I dare you to replace Bosips' gum with blueberry gum. (Wonka gum)

Bob: Wait, Bosip had gum with him?

Bosip: Why yes, I brought it yesterday and I'm going to try it out.

Bob: Fine, let's get over with. (...how dare that guy use grammar THAT bad?)

(Bob pulls out the blueberry gum and upon seeing Bosip's gum, replace it; Bosip doesn't notice a thing because he's busy on his phone)

(Bob runs off to a hiding spot)

Bob: Watch this, he's isn't going to notice I have his gum and he's gonna chew the other one.


Bob: Yeah, he fell for my trap.


Bob: And he chewed the blueberry gum. Watch this, the effects will kick in.

(There's ungodly screaming in the background)

Bob: Anddd his skin turned blue. See? His hair and clothes are blue as well!


Bob: Now he's turning into a blueberry!


Bob: Yay! The dare worked! The dare wor-

(All of a sudden, Bosip, now a blueberry, rolls towards Bob at the speed of light; Bob is flattened like a pancake)

Bob: ...and this is why I shouldn't be taking risky dares.


Bosip was turned into a blueberry; Bob is nothing more than a pancake tho

Ask/Dare with Fetishs! FT. Bob and BosipHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin