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After a few hours I decided to go down and get something to eat. That was until I saw Bucky sitting alone.

I decided to be nice cause he was the one who brought me home.

"Hey, buck?"

"What do you want yn?"

"Can I sit beside you?"

"Fine." He made space for me on the couch and I decided to turn on the tv.

"So.. thanks for the ride earlier, I really appreciate it."

"No problem." He said monotonously.

It was night so I decided to set up a movie. Bucky seemed really interested in it.

"What are your favorite movies, buck?"

"Oh I don't watch movies."

"What why not?"

"Oh uhm it's kinda hard to explain."


I wake up the next morning. I feel weight pushing me down. It's Bucky's arm. Bucky's hugging me. It feels comforting. It's not supposed to be, I hate him.

Bucky moves and I pretend to be asleep. He looks at me and says

"yn, yn, wake up." whispering.

He carefully removes his arm around me and puts a blanket on me. I pretend to wake up.

"You fell a sleep so I put a blanket on you." "Thanks." He says it like we weren't just cuddling earlier.



"Okay so don't freak out."

"Girl I'm already freaked out."

"Shut up. Anyways I fell a sleep beside Bucky then when I woke up I was in his arms.."


"I don't know dude I just forgot."


Sam has always been my best friend since day 1, not including Wanda and Nat. I've told Sam some things that not even they know. Like how I used to like Stephen strange, or how Steve used to pick on me cause I was smaller than him.

I've met sam's family several times and they're the nicest people ever.

*next morning*

"Morning yn."

"Goodmorning stevie"

"stevie? That's a new one." I finish my breakfast and say goodbye to everyone. The weekend is over meaning I have to go to school. I can't deal with them this early in the morning.

"What is it kid? Why do you look so down?" Tony says

"well dad, last week steve came with me to school and I kinda forgot how famous he was, so now they're all asking so many questions about him and how I met him."

"I'll tell you what, I have a friend who can brainwash all their minds into thinking that never happened. Do you want that?"


"okay sure, by later you'll have no problem in school."

"YAY thanks dad I love you, see you later."

"Love you more kid."


"Hey yn!"

"Oh hi alessa." Alessa is one of my first friends in school. I'm her only friend so she has to be with me 24/7 which is really annoying but I let it slide.

She has this mindset that since I'm her only friend she's my only friend too. Whenever she sees me with another person from school she's always saying that I can't have other friends and gets angry at me.

I should tell Sam about this.

"Everyone, please settle down, I have an announcement to make." Prof said

Haley the "ms know it all" and teachers pet who everyone hates stands up, goes up to the board, and starts shushing everyone while saying

"if you're noisy you go on the board list."

What's wrong with her? It isn't grade school anymore. This is college grow up.

"Yes Haley thank you, but I need you to take your seat like the rest."

"No problem ms."

Everyone's practically rolling their eyes cause of how annoyed they are.

"Now that everyone is settled, I would like to announce something really exciting. We are gonna have a surprise field trip in 2 weeks!"

"What do you mean by suprise?"

A student asked.

"It means that you guys won't know where we're going until we arrive. I assure you that if you say yes, you won't regret it."

I don't wanna go to a field trip though. I'd rather lay in bed and sleep all day. There's no way I'm saying yes to that.

Profesor hands everyone a piece of paper to sign if they want to go or not. Obviously I put no.

Finally, it's lunch. I sit beside some of my other school friends and this time alessa doesn't ask me to move tables to be with just her which is really surprising.

I overheard Haley talking to her only friend mia.

"Oh my god Mia, did you see the new avenger?"

What new avenger?

"Yes Haley! He's literally so hot."

What... who are they talking about?

"Hey guys who's the new avenger?" I ask my friends

"omg! didn't you hear?? Tony stark announced it online."

Why didn't dad tell me there's a new avenger. I search it up online. ITS BUCKY? I never knew he was a new avenger. I thought he was just Steve's friend staying over for a couple of weeks. I guess not..

"I absolutely hate lovign. She looks like she's getting attached to Bucky. " Haley says to Mia.

(Lovign is my hero name)

"oh please Haley, you act like you have a chance with him. He's practically a celebrity and you're a normal student. Lovign has more chances with him than you'll ever get." I said.

"Excuse you? You're literally eavesdropping mine and Mia's conversation. I can report this to the principal." Haley says.

"Okay first of all its "Mia and I's" not "mine and Mia's" second of all go ahead, try to report it to the principal it's not like she'd do anything to me."

"Haley let's just go." Mia pulled Haley and left.


It's become a usual thing that Bucky picks me up from school. He's usually wearing sunglasses so no one will realize it's him, and overloads me with questions. which is really nice of him. I don't ask him to pick me up, he just does.

Whenever I try to ask why he's picking me up he just says "do you want a ride home or not?" Obviously I take the ride. I thought we hated each other. Ever since the incident on the couch he's been so much nicer.

Steve and i are going on our regular walks around the campus. I share how I don't wanna go to the "surprise field trip", and basically what's going on in my life.

Usually Sam joins us but today he decided to sleep in. Suddenly I felt someone walking towards us. It was Bucky. He decided to join us cause of how loud sam's music was.

Sam always plays really loud music cause apparently it helps him sleep. We're walking on the sidewalk and a really fast car drives our way. Bucky moves me to the other side of the sidewalk.

I felt his touch. How his fingers dug gently into the side of my waist. I could smell him. I realize how attractive this man actually was. How everyone was right about him. I was so blind to not see it. Am I falling for him? No way. Dads gonna kill me.

Bucky Barnes: My love Where stories live. Discover now