It Hurts

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3:26 am


The elevator stopped on the 4th floor. Agent Fox Mulder stepped out and made his way to his apartment. A man passed him, and they sort of bumped into each other, and Mulder didn't think much of it. Until he stepped into his apartment. 'Damn, my arm hurts..' He took off his suit jacket and tie and rolled up his sleeve, revealing a needle puncture. 'What the hell?!' Mulder gasped in pain. Whatever he had been given was starting to take effect. His whole body hurt, it felt like he was burning. Mulder fell to his knees and crawled over to the table and reached for the phone.

*Ring, ring, rin-*

Dana Scully picked up her phone. 'This better be good Mulder'


"Scu-scully.." Mulder stuttered.

"Mulder? Are you okay?" she asked.

"Scu-scully.. He-help m-me.. It.. it h-hurts..."

"Mulder, I'm on my way, don't go anywhere." Scully hung up and got dressed and left for Mulder's apartment.

20 minutes later

Scully ran out of the elevator and to Mulder's door. She didn't even bother knocking, she just used her key. All the lights were off. She turned on a lamp and gasped. Mulder was lying on the floor, covered in sweat, and shaking. "Oh my god, Mulder! Mulder, what happened?" She rushed over to him.
She felt his forehead and he winced in pain. "Oh god, Mulder you are burning up.." Something was wrong, Mulder was in so much pain, and he had a really high fever.
"Arghh.. It h-hurts.." Mulder looked up at Scully and she could see the pain in his eyes. She could also see that his pupils were dilated.
"Mulder, you have a fever, and dilated pupils. What happened?" she questioned.
"S-someone.. did t-this to m-me.. when I g-got off the e-elevator.." he gasped. Then it stopped. "S-scully.. It doesn't h-hurt anymore.."
Then the room spun. Mulder's eyes dashed here and there and everything seemed to be moving. "Scully, what is happening to me?!" he was freaking out.
"Mulder, what do you mean, what's wrong?" she was scared, what the fuck happened to him?!
"The room, it's moving around," Mulder was so out of it, he started to laugh, "Scully the walls are wiggling!!" She stared at him in horror, he was hallucinating..
"Mulder, listen to me, you have to tell me what happened when you got off the elevator."
*Giggle* "I bumped into someone." He was so gone.
"Mulder, who? Who did you bump into?" she doubted he would be able to tell her but it was worth a try. "Mulder, focus on me, please!" He had started to stare at the ceiling, and wasn't listening to her anymore.
"What did you say, Scully?" he didn't hear a word she had just said. Whatever he was on was in control now, because that was the last coherent thing he said.
"Okay, Mulder, I need to take you to a hospital," Scully helped him to his feet, "Okay, Mulder you need to walk." *God this is going to take forever* Mulder was staring at something behind her, and laughing his ass off.
"Scullhee, why are we leeving? I hadn't introduched you to evereething yet!" Mulder was starting to slur, and become delirious. Scully was supporting most of his weight and helping him walk. They stumbled out to the elevator and Mulder was still snickering. "Ohh Scullheeee, when are we gunna go back to ourr motelll and finnish packing?"
"Mulder, listen, I'm taking you to the hospital. I need you to help me out a little bit, can you please walk and not have me drag you to my car?" He cocked his head like a confused puppy, and Scully sighed, "I guess not."

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