The Hospital

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Eventually they made it to Scully's car. Mulder kept rambling about nothing and laughing at things. Scully had managed to set him in the back seat and he was lying on his back and watching the car's ceiling like it was the most interesting thing he'd ever seen. Scully walked to the driver's side and got in.

15 minutes later, Georgetown Medical Center

Scully heaved her partner into the hospital. She found a nurse and asked for some help with him. "Hi, I am Special Agent Dana Scully, and this is my partner. I think he was drugged. I don't know what drug it was though." The nurse called a doctor over and the three got him into a room and in bed and he had fallen asleep during that.
Mulder got a tox screen and got put on a fluid I.V. to rehydrate him. His fever had gone down a bit, and he wasn't sweating as much as he had been. Scully sat in a chair next to his bed, waiting for any information on the drug in Mulder's body.

About 20 minutes later

"Miss Scully?" the doctor had come back.

"Do you know what's wrong with him?" she asked.

"Yes, and you were right, your partner has been drugged. The tox screen came back and there are multiple drugs in his system."

"What drugs?"

"There are some dissociatives and some hallucinogens. Traces of LSD and sedatives. Large doses of dextromethorphan and diphenhydramine were also found."

"Cough and allergy medications?"

"In large doses they can cause delirium and hallucinations."

1 hour later

Mulder had started to wake up. "Mulder, how are you doing?" Scully asked with a big smile on her face.

"Hang on.. where are we Sculhee?" he was still slurring. Scully sighed. She wondered how long this was going to last. "Woahhhh Scullheeee!!! The clouds are in here! I thought clouds stayed outsidee!!" Mulder was still hallucinating.
Mulder kept saying random things that made no sense and talked to things that weren't there. Then he stopped. His face turned pale and he looked terrified. "SCULLY!!!" he screamed.
"Mulder, what?!" she saw the look of horror on his face and grabbed his hand to comfort him. He was holding back tears and he was freaking out. "Mulder what is it, what's wrong?"
"Fire.. everything is on fire.. SCULLY LOOK OUT!!!" Mulder saw fire everywhere it was spreading throughout his room and it was coming towards Scully.
"Mulder, there is no fire. Mulder listen! Nothing is on fire, you are imagining it! It's ok, calm down, breathe."
"I'm not imaging shit!! Oh god, it burns!!! Put it out, it hurts, oh god!!" he yelled at her.
Scully put her hand to his forehead and felt that it was very, very warm, "Shit, Mulder, you're burning up!!"
A nurse ran into the room, "What's going on in here, Agent Scully?? Oh my- He's sweating, a lot, what happened??"
"He thinks he is on fire.. I think his brain is actually convinced he's being burnt. He needs to calm down, but he won't listen to me.."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2022 ⏰

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