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???'s POV:
I was looking down onto a small village form the mountain I was on. Knowing that my target will be on the move soon. Now you may be wondering who I am. I've been given several names, Bounty Hunter, The Hunter, The Wolf, The Wolf of Nowhere, etc. But I do have a name. I just don't use it much these days. Ever since I was kicked out of the Bao Gu Orphanage for an incident that occurred the day that my old friend was taken to the Jade Palace.

'Get a hold of yourself. She most likely forgot about you after what happened.' I thought to myself as I pulled my cloak's hood over my masked face and went down to the small village. As I made my way down I saw the people looking at me in fear. I saw a small tavern and made my way there as I knew my target would be there right now. I entered the tavern and made my way towards the back as I watched the thugs and filth either eat or fight each other.

But my target is supposed to be coming here with an artifact that he stole from the Jade Palace. A scroll that is meant for the Dragon Warrior. I sat down in the back of the tavern and waited patiently for my target to arrive. As I was waiting a female snow leopard came over and I could tell she was scared and afraid. I also noticed that she was abused and had chains on her wrists that connected to her neck which has a metal collar locked around her.

"Hello, what can I get you?" she asked. I saw the lifelessness in her eyes and narrowed my eyes beneath my helmet. "Water, and some bean buns." I said as she nodded her head and was about to leave when I stopped her. 

She tensed and I could tell immediately she has been through hell. I leaned close to her and whispered. "I will get you out of here. As soon as my contract is complete. You won't be here much longer." I said softly and she nodded and went to get my order as if everything was normal.

The doors to the tavern opened again and I saw my target. A croc with a biker's helmet on his head and a bag around his shoulders. I pulled out the contract and the image of my target matched the croc that just walked in.

I smirked under my helmet and the snow leopard came back with my order and I nodded at her. I took out some coins and a small parchment and wrote down a message for her. She looked at it and smiled softly and nodded as to not raise suspicion.

"My name is Li Mei." She said as she went back into the kitchen and I took a fork from the table and saw my target and carefully aimed the fork. Once I had the aim I wanted, I threw the fork and it hit the croc in the head. 

"Who threw that?!" he exclaimed as he saw me and walked over. "Think you're a funny guy? Do you know who I am?" he asked. "You're Ke-Che. A Croc of the Croc Bandits. Recently stole an item from the Jade Palace of the Valley of Peace. I know who you are. And I know what you are." I said as Ke-Che's eyes widened.

"Sit down." I said as he did what I said and put the bag on the table. "So, you the guy who hired me?" he asked, "If I am, where's the scroll?" I asked. "Right here. Gotta say that message you sent saying you'd pay that much for this lousy scroll from the Hall of Heroes. Sounded too good to be true." Ke-Che said. "Show me the scroll." I said playing the part of the buyer. He handed the bag over to me and I opened it and saw the Dragon Scroll. I narrowed my eyes and closed the bag immediately.

"Very dangerous to have that thing on you." I said as I put the bag beside me and secured a rope to it and tied it to my belt. "I know. Had to keep things on the DL just by replacing that thing with an exact replica. Don't know what's inside it, but they'll never know." Ke-Che said laughing. "Yeah, about that." I said as I pulled out the contract and showed him the flyer as I pulled my hood down. "I'm here for you and the scroll." I said as his eyes widened and his jaws hung open.

"Crap. Give me my payday back!" Ke-Che said as he tried to attack me, but I grabbed him by the throat and stood up sending my food and water and the table to the ground. My cloak fell to the ground and everyone looked and saw me in my armor.

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