Love is all that great

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8:00 am Sunday,  Mike,will time for breakfast Nancy says. Okay they both say trying not to laugh . Mike gets changed in the bathroom . *mike changing* . Wills is changing in the closet (not surprising ).
Will gets ready before Mike and heads to breakfast. Mike finishes getting ready and walks to breakfast. Will is already say at the table . Mike sits at the table next to will. Nancy sits at the table. So~ Nancy says . How was sleeping on the floor will?
Oh! Uhm it was good. Will says.
Good ! Nancy says with a smirk. Mike and will blush. Hey will? Mike says . What's up Mike ? Wanna go to the mall with me to get ice cream and shopping. Yeah!!! Wills says . What time should we go ? Mike asks . Ummm well it's 8:34am right now we could go at 9:00am if that's okay . Will says . Yeah! That should work . Mike says . Mom ? Mike says can we go ? Yes of corse hun Karen says. Yay thanks ! Mike and will say .
Mike runs to get his shoes . Will goes outside. 8:59 MIKE COME ON will says . Coming sorry will! 9:15am they are at the mall . Hey I think Steve and robin work today wanna go get something and bother . Mike says . HELL YA. Will says . *they walk to scoops ahoy * hey robin!! Will says . Hi will!!! Looking for Steve ? No just coming here to get ice cream with Mike . Wheres Mike ? Robin says . *will looks around * hold on i don't know I have to go look for him . *looks around * oh Mike there you are why are you just sitting here are you okay ? ! Yeah yeah I'm fine I just am a bit nervous. Why ? Will says you have been here before . "Yeah not with the love of my life " mike thinks in his head . There is just something I want to talk to you about will.
Oh okay well I'll order us something then we can talk about it. Go sit in a booth . Okay will :) Mike says. Okay robin so can I have one large chocolate shake with 2 straws ? . Robin goes wide eyed 1 drink 2 straws nice move Byers . Yeah yeah just give me the drink will said . Yeah okay robin says . And gives him the shake . Thanks will says and sits at the table so Mike what did you want to talk about?....

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