an unforgotten memory .

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!chapter warnings !! SH,SA!!
Wills pov: I have 8 missed calls from Lonnie and 3 texts . *I turn over and read the texts *

Lonnie: William you are a disgrace to this family.

Lonnie: I wish you would just die . Honestly just don't come home

Lonnie: your mother should have never had you.
I get up out of the bed next to my boyfriend. Hopefully not waking him up with my silent sobs . *I walk to bathroom *
1 cut , 2 cut . I find myself just sitting their cutting at my skin . I can't stop I don't know what's wrong with me . I move the bl@de to my thigh. *7:30am* Iv been in here for an hour and a half . I got up and put on sweats and a sweatshirt covering the cuts all over my body . sometimes I wish I could tell mike all that goes on in my head. but im afraid he might get grossed out and leave me.

every time I see Lonnie or even get a text from him its like I can still feel him and his friends on me


I had just gotten back from school and I just wanted to draw mike had been out of town and the rest of the party were hanging out, so I didn't really have anything to do. Lonnie was back in town to cause us hell again he couldn't afford to pay for his house so he was staying with us for time being sense momma and Johnathan and I all had jobs I was only 13 so I was walking dogs but It worked. that day I didn't have any dogs to walk so I just stayed home. Lonnie had been asleep on the lounge chair in the front room I didn't wanna wake him so I stayed in my room. I had fallen asleep for a few hours and as the time struck 2:00pm I was hungry and hadn't eaten. I went out in the kitchen to see my dad and his friends watching a game of some sort . I tried my best to be quite but the fridge made the loudest sound iv ever heard. they all turned to look at me I had nothing but some sweat pants on considering it was hot outside and I had been sleeping. I turned around back to the fridge praying he would just let it go. he didn't. he and his friends came closer and soon enough I was tied down ass naked with no control over anything that had been happening their hands were cold and they smelled of beer but I couldn't scream or do anything to defend myself. by the time they were done with me there was sweat dripping off of every part of my body and my 13 year old self didn't know what to do . they had done every possible kink you can imagine I smelled of piss and all kinds of other shit they untied me pleased with themselves and went back to their game. I took a shower never wanting to be touched again.


I barley let mike or anyone touch me after that day. I still have bruises.

it was 8:00am now mike would be waking up soon. im going to go back to bed. And wait till he wakes me up..

573 words :)

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