Too Late

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Dami paced at the emergency hallway, biting her nails in fear and nervousness. She was feeding Kyle when someone called her stating what happened to her sister-in-law. She immediately left Kyle to her mom and drove as fast as she could to the hospital. Now, she's anxiously waiting for the doctor hoping that both Haewon and her baby are okay. But this anxious feeling was soon replaced with anger when she saw Taehyung walking near her.

"Are you fucking serious, Taehyung?! It's been an hour! Where were you?!" she questioned.

"Work. What happened?" he asked, catching his breath. Dami scoffed in disbelief and annoyance.

"So your work is more important than your wife and your child?!" Dami raged. Taehyung's brows crunched, confused by what he just heard.

"Child?" Taehyung pressed. Dami looked away as she exhales a heavy breath.

"Haewon is pregnant. And I hope that she still is after all the shits you put her through!"

"I told her to abort it,"

"What?! Are you out of your mind?!" she yelled, not caring about the looks that the nurses are giving to them as they argue.

"Can you tone it down?" Taehyung said irritably.

"The hell I won't! You don't just tell that to someone knowing-"

"Worry about your own child, Dami. I'll take it from here." and that's when Dami lost it. Her palm landed heavily on Taehyung's cheek while her other hand clenches tightly into a fist. Gasps and whispers are heard around them as Dami's anger boiled upon her that her tears started to form in her eyes.

"You have no fucking soul, Taehyung!" she said. Taehyung's face remained on the side as he felt the burn spreads across his face. He then stared at the floor and kept his head down, remembering that Dami is a lot older than him and he must show some respect at the least.

"I don't even know you anymore... Y-You were a fine man back then, Taehyung. But now... you hold your head so high that you can't even look at your wife." Taehyung's face remained blank. Dami wipes her tears aggressively as her heart breaks for her sweet Haewon.

"This is the last time that you're going to talk to me like this, Kim Taehyung," she said pointing her finger to his chest.

"...and I want you to know that the only thing that's keeping me from calling her brother is Haewon's favor not to, because if not, I swear to the heavens, you're already dead in this hospital floor by now." Dami greeted her teeth as she walked away to calm herself down. Haewon is still in the emergency room, and she needs to be calm until then.


a/n: double update <3 thoughts so far??? thank you for reading! i hope you'll look forward for the next chapters, stay safe out there people <333

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