Coloured love ~ Tristan.

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I turn over in bed, the quilts tangling up with my legs as they move around trying to find a warm, comfy position. The warm weather didn’t help which just made me feel more agitated at the fact that I still wasn’t asleep at 1:15 in the morning. I turn back over to the other side of the bed and look out around my room. Laying on the floor, was my handsome boyfriend, Tristan Evans. He lay there peacefully, his bare chest rising and falling as he breathed heavily and his lips parted slightly as soft snores escaped them.

I sit up in bed and turn on my bedside lamp, letting my room light up. The pale blue walls making the room look a lot cooler than it actually was, my white furniture placed in various parts of the room. I finally set my eyes on my desk and noticed my box of drawing pencils and drawing pad. Looking over between my laptop and drawing pad I got up and picked them both up, putting them on my bed.

Turning on my laptop I opened up the case full of drawing pencils and picked out the perfect shaded one to start off with, then opened a clean page in the middle of the art book and waited for my laptop to load. You see, me and Tristan have been dating for about a year and a half now, maybe just over that. I love him so much, if anything happened between us I don’t know what I would do with myself, I mean, he’s perfect, even when he’s sleeping.

My laptop finally loaded and I quickly opened up my pictures. Scanning through them I picked out one that stood out most to me. It was me and Tristan in the snow back in January, which is almost 6 months ago now. The camera wasn’t close to our faces but it wasn’t far away either. There was just enough space around our heads for you to see the trees with snow on and falling all around us. I had my baby blue hat on to match my blue eyes, my skin pale with rosy cheeks and afew freckles here and there, My brown hair falling over my shoulders and baby blue scarf, a huge smile on my face as I had only a week before had my braces taken off.

Tristan was stood next to me, his black scarf around his neck and his black ear muffs on his head, his blonde hair sweeping over his forehead with clumps of snow stuck into it. His smile is as wide as mine as he rests his head on my shoulder and looks directly down the camera. I smile at the memory of the photo and instantly put my pencil to the paper and started to draw it. I always feel at ease when I draw, and taking art in college now is a big help. I hope to become either an artist or a illustrator one day.

Tristan stirred in his sleep causing me to jolt my head up and look down on him, my breathing pattern seemed to have gone out of control as I hate waking people up, it is kinda my fault from all the noise I was making. I always hum Lewis Watson – Sink or Swim or Bones when I draw. It comforts me. I wince slightly as Tristan mumbles something in his sleep then turns over. My sigh that was building up within me lets itself free as I turn back around to carry on with my drawing.

Afew minutes later I felt someone’s arms wrap around my and someone nuzzle into my neck and kiss it gently.

“Hey baby, what you still doing up?” Tristan’s sleepy voice is a whisper and send shivers down my spine. “Drawing” I smile and turn to the side, kissing him on the lips. He moves me a little so I’m now sat on his lap as he snuggles into my shoulder whilst I put the finishing touches to my drawing.

“It’s amazing” he whispers, rubbing his nose against my cheek. “Thank you” i smile, kissing the top of his nose.

“I put the drawing down and move up to the top of my bed, pulling the covers back. I give Tristan a smile and a questioning look and he soon joins me under the covers. Turning the light off he snuggles up to me and we fall into a deep sleep.

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