Colours in the Sky - Connor

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a/n; i know Bonfire night has already gone (only by afew days) but i thought better late than never right?

I smiled at my little brother Kyle as he walked into my room, his little 4 year old legs bringing him close to my bed just as I had finished getting changed into my warm clothes.

“Bang bang!” he imitated the fireworks that had been going off for the past hour. He giggled slightly then raised his hands for me to pick him up. I grabbed ahold of him and placed him on my hip and happily walked out of the room without saying  word. I switched my light off and closed my door in the process. My light blue fluffy socks padded softly across the laminate landing, my skinny jeans tight to my legs, yet still easy to walk in, and my new Woolley jumper snuggling against my skin. Kyle played with the bit of hair that I had curled that was resting on my shoulder as I walked down the stairs, him still resting on my hip.

“Get your shoes on Meg, they’ll be here in a minute and we’ll be going as soon as they get here” My mother takes Kyle off me and starts to put his coat on shoes on. I grab my cute matching set of pale blue gloves, hat and scarf that match the colour of my socks and walk over to the porch to see my dad walking in through it. He passes me through my black timberlands and I smile in thanks.

Putting them on my feet my put my new  river island coat on and sit and wait in the kitchen, munching on a croissant.

“They’re here!” my mother’s voice bellows through the house as she opens the door and walks outside.

I get up and follow her, leaving my dad to lock up the house.  

“Hey you” I turn around and plaster a huge smile on  my face at the site of Connor.

“Oh hey” I whisper, and lean forward and give him a small kiss. He looked so warm with his cloves coat and hat on.

“Cute hat” I kiss him again whilst he entwines our fingers and we both start to trail after our parents down the road.  Mum was happily talking away to Connor’s mum whilst pushing my little brother, and Dad was talking to Connor’s dad about something that happened at work today.  Connor squeezed my hand as we could see someone’s garden firework go off in the distance. It rocketed into the air and then burst into a beautiful shade of pink before fading away and disappearing.

“I can smell the bonfire” Connor sniffs the air and looks to his right, where our destination was. Right in the middle of the local park was a huge bonfire, it’s  yellow and orange flames soaring up into the sky and emitting smoke into the atmosphere. A Guy Fawkes was burning at the top of the flames whilst people stood around it in clumps with their families and friends.

We picked a spot near the bonfire so we could warm and waited for the fireworks to start.

“Looking forward to this?” Connor smiles down at me and I nod as he bends down and kisses me. Me and Connor had been together for a year and a half now, spending as much time with each other as we could when he went touring. I went with him when he was a support act for Mcfly as mum let me for afew days but then she wanted me drove home for 2 weeks of revision for exams, but now I’ve left school and im at college, when I get my Christmas holiday for three weeks and im touring with the boys then but me and Connor will come back for Christmas day. Him and his family were spending Christmas at ours.

I couldn’t help but notice how perfect Connor actually was. His eyes stared into mine, a small smile playing on his lips as he leaned forward. I couldn’t help but smile and go on my tip toes and lean forward more, and just as our lips connected, fitting perfectly, the first firework went off  with a big bang.

“explains the exact feeling I get whenever I kiss you” he laughs and looks up at the sky.

“Cheesy but cute” I couldn’t help but laugh too. We both stood there, my head on his chest looking up at the sky, his arms around me his head ontop of my head. I could see dad taking photos and he quickly snapped one of me and Connor, giving me a wink before taking photos of the fireworks.

“Happy Bonfire night everyone” Connor’s dad called over the bangs an loud noises of the fireworks.

“Happy Bonfire night!” nearly the whole of the people there chanted back, causing Connor’s dad to look pretty chuffed with himself.

“They are beautiful “ I look up at all the different fireworks on display.

“Just like you” Connor smiles, and kisses me once more.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2013 ⏰

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